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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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You'll enjoy that, Tommy! :)

I'm about to leave for Tilbury again. I have a Mercedes mini-coach to drop off this time. After Tilbury it's over the Dartford Bridge and along to Sheerness to drop off an MF165 and then home via Tunbridge Wells to pick up an MF2640 :)

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A day on the farm today. Shifting silage bales at the moment. Had a day of it all round yesterday. Got caught up in Tilbury for three hours due to the DAF LF and the MF595 not being booked in by the shipping company. During that the Howard that came with me for the day fell when a ratchet slipped and he has broken his arm. . . 8am that happened and he waited 'till we got home via Cheffins at 18.30 to be taken to hospital :of Meanwhile one of the chaps who helps on the farm had to go to hospital after his chest was on the receiving end of a back hoof of a year old bull. . . Ouch.

Today, infact just about now; Traci will find out if she is one of the redundancies planned by her work :-[

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Back to something close to normality at Coop Helmsley having chased around for the last week like a certifiable insomniac during the store's major refit. Looking forward to having a proper catch up on here and celebrating my Dad's sixtieth birthday this evening. :)

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Off to my cousins wedding reception if Traci can ever bloody get ready  ::)>:(

Will be the first family do after the loss of both grandparents on that side of the family so while the anchors of the family may not be with us, our roots are still strong and I am very much looking forward to getting together to celebrate something good  :) :)

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Had a day without work or working on the house today for a change. Had Traci's cousin who is a bricky come round, he is going to carry on chipping out the pointing as I am running out of time and the weather is turning. As the weather is affecting his work it will help us and help him out too. The usual Sunday visit from the inlaws  ::) and a quick trip for the weekly shop. Even got some modelling time in (Tim will be pleased!!).

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This afternoon I  have been out on two recoveries with my pal Stuart but I'm undecided where to post the first one...under BC's Farming photos in Farm Talk or Heavy Vehicle recovery in General discussion since well the first one was farming relating but using a heavy vehicle recovery lorry. I'm currently loading some photos on to PB so watch both spaces if interested.

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Just had brekkie with a right dodgey truck driver at Frankies cafe in Hardwick.... he'd reversed parked his Emitt plant low loader in a space I'd struggle to get Mrs F's smart into  :of:P:D :D  .. inch perfect as well.... right along the kerb.. MUST have been luck I reckon  :)

Thanks again for the breakfast Mark and for my small consignment of red tractors ;)

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Did my first bit of bricklaying at college today, just started to get the hang of it and it was time to pack up, just doing a simple pyramid to start with which i will finish next week.

Today, college. Tomorrow, Eygpt!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Useful thing to know though, Josh. Always handy to know a bricky  :) :)

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Today, college. Tomorrow, Eygpt!  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Useful thing to know though, Josh. Always handy to know a bricky  :) :)

???  ???  ??? .................... OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Took me a while to work that one out!

And well, it's all about being a jack of all trades, master of none! And by the time i come out of there i will have 2 GCSE's in bricklaying, painting and decorating, and joinery without sitting a single written test. RESULT! And then if i was to stay on another year i would be fully trained but... Nahh, handy to know it's there though.

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Delivered ten loads of logs and since 14.30 I have been wrapping silage bales. Boss is a New Holland man and always has been. However, today he has a Lely rp435 round baler on demo. Having used it very successfully in straw he thought he'd better try it when baling grass is at it's most trying! We are very impressed and I don't think the BR7070 would be much of a challenge for speed or bale density or maintenance. . .

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Ooo yes please...

As for 'us pair' .. it's him.... not me... honest gov.. I tell him off and he tells me off back (in front of everyone.. while they all laugh).. then bites my trousers too  :-[

I've got a secret weapon today though......

Ox Liver Cake  :of:P

He can't get enough of it.. and it's ONLY for well behaved dogs you see  ;)

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My mate said the same yesterday as it happens.... I may well resort to that yet.. but my trainer is more scary than the dog in all honesty  :-[:D :D  I'd better follow her instructions in the first instance.. mind you... a bit like your student... he should be well on the way to learning by now  ::):D :D

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