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first bit of tractor driving of the year,first field 11 acres,2nd field 38 acres,back to finish the 38 acre field tomorrow then onto a 29 acre field after that,first picture of the 11 acre field and next pictures of the 38 acre field and finally my drive for the day,jd 6830 premium





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its a village called merton,i go from where i live,horrabridge to tavistock to okehampton,then hatherleigh then meeth and where the farm is, is merton,all fields near base today,its about 32 miles one way from where i live,bit of a trip,but you couldnt wish to work for a better boss,and the money is good to,it is a lovely area tris

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its a village called merton,i go from where i live,horrabridge to tavistock to okehampton,then hatherleigh then meeth and where the farm is, is merton,all fields near base today,its about 32 miles one way from where i live,bit of a trip,but you couldnt wish to work for a better boss,and the money is good to,it is a lovely area tris

I'm reading this green eyed, would have loved to be doing a bit of pasture rolling today (especially in Devon) ^-^8)

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im only part time chris,and i think its a job that the full time staff would rather not do,but i dont mind,i like doing it

I suppose after the upteenth acre it would get a little repetative, but as with yourself I'd happily relieve them of their duties!

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I suppose after the upteenth acre it would get a little repetative, but as with yourself I'd happily relieve them of their duties!

i said in the topic first field 11 acres chris, 2nd field 38 acres,didnt finish that one today,last year i did a block of land of about 14 fields,i will check the acreage of that,towards the end of that lot i had enough of rolling then
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been out to the beach this morning, nice and warm, surf was up so loads out in the water, nice drink and a sausage,bacon and egg, bloomer sandwich while sat in the sun.on the way back i noticed several rape fileds starting to come into flower ,which is early as for round this way, not till mid april at the earliest usally

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That's no good Damien, got to have some decent audio for a day in the cab. Is this your new drive then or just something for the day?

No just the drive for the day Tris, but could get used to it, Back on the JS220 tomorrow - its a lot faster machine.

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Went up to the farm where my tractors live, did a bit of shooting, and saw these two beauties out working on the farm. Its good to see that as well as looking great, they can, and do, still do a goods days work.

A couple of nice machines there Damian and lovely nice blue skies and nice photos too...... I didn't know you were into shooting game and vermin....oh sorry you meant photo shooting tractors :huh:

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no idea bill, just dont remember him saying before, so many posts on here and what 7? odd years as a member you cant remember everything can you, especially with all that cider inbetween

Oh Ar oh r Sean.... I've got a combine harvester and I'll give you the key.......they must have been on cider too when they recorded that song.........anyway nice evening for a cider or two me thinks to cool down after what has probably been the warmest day in March up here in Aberdeenshire 8)

Edited by BC
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i belive they were bill, along with a few other items, yeap the ciders open now, nice bit of henry westons at 10.6% a bottle, got to drink the good stuff aint you, soon to be followed by a nice bit of fillet steak, some spicey beer battered prawns with that and chips ,sat in the garden once the neighbours finished fitting there new shed together ,noisy sods

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You are lucky with your neighbour's Sean ...mine had to put up with the noise of saws and hammers for almost a year before my No 5 shed was complete....but they like me really or well I assume so since I'm still on the the surrounding ones Christmas card list 8)

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Had a scratch about in the garden this morning and put almost the rest of the plum slate down around the path edges. Took Zia down the river for a splash about, came home and watched the Grand Prix highlights/surfed ebay and now having tidied up our office room. . .. I have dug out a model a started and done a little more. Traci's doing the tea, pup is asleep . . . may get away with a little while longer up here yet!

Sean.... not a drop of cider in the house :(

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my weekend in a few pics

started well friday evening after work



followed by a bit of shopping saturday


and the beach today



and a little tractor spotting, ford powered i belive, and the only sea tractor in the uk ,goes between bigbury and burgh island when the tides in


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