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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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clearing snow ad gritting with the old mans 6210r, good drive, comfortable, covered aproximetly  40 miles today, but nothing compares to the brutal grunt of my fendt 936, getting the plough and gritter swaped over on to it tonight, speding the rest of the day with carly might have a stroll down the pub where she can enjoy a glass of orange juice while i sit enjoying every drop of my pint while she gives me the devil stare,

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helped out my friend today (the one that has the horse yard) we went down to a local guy that makes garden sheds he had aload of saw dust/shavings for us so we have been bagging it all day to take back to his yard.

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Fridge running low in grub so went out the local town late this morning to re-stock. Roads out to the main road are treacherous and you need to be very cautious even on the main road, even with a Land Rover!

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Laid 150 4" concrete blocks, helped a couple of vans and cars out of the snow, went out in the fendt 939 ploughing and spreading salt until half 9, been a long day, getting tommorow of work as there is no work

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buy it... Immediately, I've got one of the last built golf r32's and it mental, go for it, a golf is the best car you could own

well I got Natalie a MK4 3dr GTTDI 130bhp and its a flying machine and ive a VW BORA SPORT were think on selling the Golf that Natalie drive and putting her in that.

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A few more pictures of it I know the car as it came out of the same group as were i work and I know the owner he has every receipt for the car and a full kenwood sat-nav/bluetooth/dvdpalyer aswell it sits on a air bag system and has 19" VW phaeton rim and new tyres last Saturday. 561688_3620074990973_909824985_n.jpg522026_3618891321382_539854186_n.jpg

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Going to be looking at a rather strange drainage job tommorow, can't explain what's happend, but a hole, 7x3.5x1m has opened up in a field and there's perforated pipe in the bottom of the "crater", if my calculations are correct, there's around about 24 tonnes of earth disapered down the pipe, nightmare, could be the first job for the 8085zts when it arrives Thursday morning, getting excited

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