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Had a very enjoyable day at the Great Yorkshire Show on Tuesday, not been able to go since I was very little as it always clashes with school so was especialy good to go, even got talking to a few company's about some models :) The day was rounded off nicely with a great tea at Murgatroids chippy on the way home

Edited by Stabliofarmer
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  • 2 weeks later...

I were the passenger on the impact side of a car that was hit side on this morning, both cars have been written off. Once the firemen pulled me out I got up and walked away with only surface cuts, God was on the case today.

Spending the rest of the day pottering with a few gems.  :)



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got an 8x6 greenhouse moved from my house to my dad's, so staying at his now till Monday, old sod has had me worried sick tonight, him and his girlfriend went along to the caravan park where they used to stay at 7 like they do.every Sat night, Dad drives, that's them just in the door at quarter past 4, they decided to go to someone they knew caravan and the drinks were flowing, poor Dad couldn't have a drink with havn to drive though, I was checking the police page on Facebook to.make sure there was no crashes, now iknow how him and my mum felt when I used to roll in the door when the sun was coming up ha ha!

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I know what u mean Paul I got pulled about two years ago now after two n a half pints, ended up with a years ban and £550 out of pocket but. Luckly I managed to keep my job luckly as i drive up and down the country all the time have learnt my lesson not even to have one now!! :(

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Over the past two weeks, I've been helping my wife move her business to new premises. Closed to the public last Tuesday, removal lorries on Wednesday - 8 of 'em! - three large trailerloads of rubbish to the tip, "Yes, it's all come from me dear old Mum's house that we are clearing, it's DEFINITELY not commercial, guv!". ::)... All items unboxed and distributed to staff on Thursday. Over the weekend, we removed carpets and all other fittings from the old building as per instructions from the landlord. Tuesday we finished putting up noticeboards, etc. and cleaned the covered yard and on Wednesday opened the doors to the public again... Only a week closed - fast work!. It's then taken us the rest of this week to do all the little leftover jobs and store everything that hasn't got a home yet in a barn! Job almost done! Lucky I'm on holiday from work!

My most annoyed moment? A lady who had said that she would buy a VERY heavy table from us and that we should leave it at the old building to be collected, texted us to say she didn't want it after all - the day after the removal men came... Grrrr! Thanks to a very good friend with a 4x4 and trailer, we were able to get it shifted and sold again on the next day! Why do people do this?

I'm hoping to get to the WSR Rally on Sunday to make up for all this hard labour, but the rain is coming in and they cancelled Sunday last year... Fingers Crossed?

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I got my day out at the West Somerset Rally! Hurrah! Had a great time, watched steam ploughing demonstration and a rare Foden Thrashing Machine in action. Also got to see a Lanz Bulldog in the flesh - supposedly the only one resident in England? Not much about in the way of models, but did buy a near-mint Britains roller from 1975 for £3 and all the spares I needed to get my old Mamod steam engine going! My feet feel as if they've been run over now and my legs are stiff from all that walking! Makes you realise that even a fairly active life is still not as active as in the 50's and 60's! Took almost 400 photos and am now having fun cataloguing them into my reference system... OCD? ME? :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

trying my best not too up set too many persons today ha ha! not too sure it come of as im of to see some of me family right now ha ha!

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we have been planting oil seed rape the last two days it was a bit wet Monday morning as we had 36mm of rain over weekend had to drop the press off for first two fields as the soil would not go though but the sun was out so it soon dried out so put press back on

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Not a lot been really off it again last few days just cant get rid of this PVD i ve carried over from a Virus earlyer on in year , im just going to have a little drive up road a few miles just to get out of house  , stop moaning on   our so our lass said :-X

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