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pottering in the shed ,bit of tidying up the workbench, only to get distracted again and make it as bad as i started .

also texting a workmate, whos been there as long as i have, 34 years now, who's currently in hospital after he had a biopsy 1 week ago, and has just had his bladder removed due to cancer, they seem to think they have got it in time as scans show its not spread ,they think, hes got some cemo to have in a few weeks time as back up mind 

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Did not now weather to post this here or on whats on your workbench as this is sort of on my workbench at the moment ,the water temperature sender on my McCormick stopped working a few months back ,and i have had to reseal the top part of the housing in the past with a sealant as over the years of being in the heat they distort a bit and its advised to change the hole lot ,i have stripped it down over christmas but not put it back together as yet as i think the sender unit is wrong anyway i will nip out next week and see the boys over at SUFFOLK AGRI CENTER and ask them . All the bolts bar one came undone ok ,had to cut the head off one with my Dremal mini drill/disc cutter and the prize the bottom half of housing of the bolt as it was seized in side the housing once off i could undo the remaining part of the bolt with my fingers  




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One other job i been doing is my mates (Eric) saw bench. The belt on the elevator has started to tear on the joints. he asked me to get genuine bits of belt but the company he bought it off (2013) dont deal with them now so i had a word with the people in now in the parts at AGRI-HIRE , and they tracked me down a 5 metre roll for me to cut down to size and punch the bolt holes . So i set to work cutting the belt down to size , with the help of my Corona/virus😂 stand. Two new ones fitted, fitted 5 in total ,and the old ones i took off i have cut the damaged end off and re-punched the holes as they will do as backup spares ,elevator is telescopic so being a bit shorter wont be a big problem.   









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The dad of a young lad in the village came and found me early yesterday morning ,could i give him a pull out .He said his son told him his back tire burst and he lost control, the road is a old roman road and is about 1.5 miles long and in the middle this lad found the ditch ,the tire was off the rim when i pulled it out but not burst i think the impact of the ditch pushed it off . important thing is that no one was hurt   



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3 hours ago, smithy said:

The dad of a young lad in the village came and found me early yesterday morning ,could i give him a pull out .He said his son told him his back tire burst and he lost control, the road is a old roman road and is about 1.5 miles long and in the middle this lad found the ditch ,the tire was off the rim when i pulled it out but not burst i think the impact of the ditch pushed it off . important thing is that no one was hurt   



Nice little MX-5. Shame to see it like that.. 

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1 hour ago, robbo said:

Classic case of too much power, not enough skill

Rwd caught him out on what looks to be a greasy road surface.  Their was obviously abit off speed involved here and as you say no skill.. Young driver... 🙄

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13 hours ago, justy 46 said:

Rwd caught him out on what looks to be a greasy road surface.  Their was obviously abit off speed involved here and as you say no skill.. Young driver... 🙄

Yes road was very greasy on that bit as they had been loading sugar beet from heap along edge of the field onto the lorries parked on the road and also a bit of mud on the wheels of the machine when it left the field and in the photo the soil is a different colour on the edge as they had ploughed it and then drilled it that afternoon/evening so a few more wheels leaving field ,allow the lad went over it the other way that evening when he came back he had his mind on the girlfriend that he had just dropped off at home and yes he was going to quick .  

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10 hours ago, smithy said:

Ditch on other side is a lot deeper so he picked the right one 😉

that he did, most of ours were all a good 5-6ft deep, i never found out(bar a biking incident after the pub) the hard way in a car  but at least 2 of my uncles did, 1 was a write off,but he did get it stuck between two bt poles as well as the ditch😆😆

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I have got the new thermostat housing all fixed in place on the McCormick but not finished as yet as when i took the new temperature sender out of the box it was wrong ,went back to the dealer's and sorted it out that it was the right box with the right part number on but the wrong part in the box so awaiting the right one to come ,also put 2 new air-con belts on and 1 new alternator belt , sender unit on the mudguard is the old one that dont work     



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Way back in October 2021 couple that live 2 houses away from my farm asked if they could borrow my mini-digger as they needed a hole to put a gas tank in ,if i was not busy ploughing and drilling i would have dug it for them so i stupidly let them use it ,anyway they dug part of the hole (no photo as i was not there) then decided to dig the trench that pipe has to go in then realised that trench was stopping them from getting back to dig rest of the hole which they was also not digging right as my mini-digger would not then reach right over the other side of hole to go deeper, long story short gas company looked at what they had tried to do and said no way are we working in that and cancelled job ,after a lot of discussions with gas company we came up with a plan ,i arranged with a grab-lorry to come and clear the dirt that was heaped up and was slowly falling back in the hole so that we could start again ,a farmer friend has a bigger digger than mine so i got him to come around and finish the hole with a step on each side half way down so sides are safer for gas company .On January 10th gas company put tank in and left me to backfill .    



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