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Went into town today with my mates getting some props for a big English project were working on making a film on WW1... got loads of army uniform and bits but the best buy was definetly a huge pump thing for spraying pesticides in the garden which were filling up with fake blood, attaching tubing to the end and sticking onto parts of our body  :) Our objective is to make the teacher cry  :D

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Topped 100 acres or so of grassland alot of it was good enough for silage :'( :'( :D :D :D Ah well kept me busy all day finished 10 mins ago and got another 40 acres or so to top tomo morn so early start night people :D :D

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Lonely on here with just 3 unidentified guests to keep me company ;D ;D ;D

Off to take my friends to the airport at 5  :-\    So this is what 4.50 looks like I'm usually looking at the inside of my eyelids at this time of day ;D ;D ;D

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Been to a sale just out the road.  Load of Grey Fergy stuff.  T20 diesel unrestored, running, made ?1,500.

1952 T20 P/TVO, unrestored, running, ?1,450. straight petrol T20, unrestored, running, ?550.

The most interesting item that everyone wanted was the rare Ferguson rear 'crane', had all the plates on it, instruction and serial, went for a whopping ?1,200. I'll post up some pics later in a seperate post.

I bought a box of 'mixed toys' for ?16. Fair bit of good Britain's amongst it, well worth it. Few pics later.

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Getting soaked to the skin mostly and also very lost on unsignposted Cornish lanes on the way to return some Riding Club cups to people who had trouble with their left and right. :D

Is there no GPS systems down that far yet Mandy? Next time take a ball of string, let it out as you are going then it's easy to find your way back.  ;):-*

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Is there no GPS systems down that far yet Mandy? Next time take a ball of string, let it out as you are going then it's easy to find your way back.  ;):-*

Ball of string... that's what we call GPS in Cornwall... what to you up-country folks use then? ;)

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