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What have you been doing or plan on doing today?

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done the spuds ready for tea tonight, changed the bedding (why she gets in a tangle with the duvet cover I don't know ::)) washed up  ::)

What a "modern" man you are.  Is your halo getting tight? 

My other half is now retired so he is my "house husband".  Does the laundry, cooks [some of] the meals and changes the bed too.

I am not proud - I hate changing beds but never get tangled in the duvet cover as that was always his problem.  Practice makes Perfect

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Well... today I are bin mostly....

Goooooooooin tu Naaaaaarwich bouy

which roughly translated from Norfolk to English is...

I had a meeting in Norwich

You mean that you were nearby and didn't call in, how rude ::):D :D ;)

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I'd even been in all day and made little MF badge shaped cookies in case he called in ::):D :D ;D;)

Another modern man with cooking skills.  I am impressed by the talent around here. 

I have had a tedious day, sitting in my office answering the phone.  Calls stopped around 1:30 except from one of my colleagues who has trashed his machine.  On the phone for four hours off and on asking ME for advice.  Now he is a programmer, much more techie minded than me but at least we got Internet Explorer running so he is now trawling the web for assistance.

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I'm on holiday from work this week and as it was a pretty poor day I have been modeling ;) ;)

Here's a sneak preview of what i've been playing about with :o :o :o

poor old Joal JCB dumper (i think ???:-\ :-\)

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I'd even been in all day and made little MF badge shaped cookies in case he called in ::):D :D ;D;)

Ooooooohhhh Nooooooo... I don't believe it (in true Victor Meldrew style)  :o

Sorry Gavvers  :-[ - Drove past Ben Burgess as well.... put some dog poo through their letterbox on the way back home of course  ;);D

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Well... yesterday I found the perfect antidote to shopping... went to Tesco about 8pm with my bessi mate, and we went to the pub afterwards (a posh pub of course ;))... worked well, I thought... except I got home a bit late, and after I'd put the shopping away couldn't tell you about it until today ;D

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Well... yesterday I found the perfect antidote to shopping... went to Tesco about 8pm with my bessi mate, and we went to the pub afterwards (a posh pub of course ;))... worked well, I thought... except I got home a bit late, and after I'd put the shopping away couldn't tell you about it until today ;D

You mean you were drunk... on a Tuesday evening... that's disgusting  >:(::) - shame on you Wilson... you naughty lady  >:(
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