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At work with Gav


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Very smart sprayer there though mate what you think of it? Is it a 24m? If so I'm amazed at only 4 sections for the whole out fit but box looks easier then the Sands to understand

Thanks, yes its 24m, our previous one was a 4 section machine as well, starts over complicating it if you go up to anymore really. From what I remember of our old Sands where I used to work they are overly complicated in many ways, just wait until you get an air leak ;D

Very nice new sprayer you have there. Didn't know you can spray liquid fertilizer with it.


Thanks, you can put liquid on with most sprayers, in our case we're using special fertiliser nozzles on it though, I'll get some pictures of them at some point

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I only said that there would be no more JD tractors on the farm ;D

It's not too bad for balance but there is a warning both in the book and from the dealer that the 400ltr rinse tank must be kept full at all times when the main tank is

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So Gav, with the recent sagas involving your Deere machinery why this purchase over a sprayer made by a sprayer company? It looks a serious bit of kit but are they known for their performance or anything over say a Hardi or Berthoud etc?

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Well the end chice came down to Berthoud, Knight or John Deere, unfortunately despite our desire to buy British built the Knight was way out of our budget leaving just Berthoud and JD, it was a close run thing but at the end of the day the JD won on several points:

Mudguards fitted to protect nozzles - not an option on Berthoud

Clean water tank fillable off the ground - involved climbing up the front to the Berthoud, also larger on the JD

Better suspension on the JD

Build quality of the JD better and stronger, quite a weight difference between the two

Concerns over foaming in the tank on the Berthoud, rep says no they dont, I said they do as we used to run two of them and our current mounted one does as well

Good local dealer support, nearest Berthoud agent is 50+ miles away

2 of our neighbours run JD sprayers and praise them, another one has just bought one as well so they come recommended to us

Induction bowl much larger on the JD

JD controls much more straightforward to use

It was really a case of get the leaflets in front of us and compare them, boss made his choice then gave me the leaflets to look at to see what my thoughts were and we both said that the JD looked the better machine of the two based on all the above

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I can't remember what the final price was exactly but it was around the £23-25k mark, the Knight, well that was shocking, boss never did say anymore but the price he last told me was just over £40k :of :of

Would you need a 3200 litre model with tracking drawbar for your area though Ricky? We only went tracking because of growing potatoes and sugarbeet :-\

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well we only have 200 acres odd, cover it with a mounted 15m hardi with 1000litre tank.

I'd prefere trailed and wider, when i take over the spraying thats the way i'll go.

Are there baffles in the tank to stop surging of only half full?

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Gav when did you make the switch to Omex? I take it the storage tank is one of theirs (normally an ex rail tanker).

Are you on N26 or N30?

Will you be using the umberalla nozzles? Theyre brilliant in my opinion much better than the standard drip bars.

Have you thought about having suspension fert by Omex for the P+K?

After a while you will find out why the Knight was more expensive.

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Seems a nice sprayer Gav. Saw a lorry passing here last week going to the ferry with one of these, plus a self propelled one, on. Must have been yours then. They are gaining popularity here as well, Deere are really pushing them. Shame the booms either crack or fall off  :( . But with 24m that shouldn't be such an issue hopefully.

If you ever consider working in Holland for a while, don't spray. Most sprayers here have 13 sections  ;) .

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Gav when did you make the switch to Omex? I take it the storage tank is one of theirs (normally an ex rail tanker).

Are you on N26 or N30?

Will you be using the umberalla nozzles? Theyre brilliant in my opinion much better than the standard drip bars.

Have you thought about having suspension fert by Omex for the P+K?

After a while you will find out why the Knight was more expensive.

This is our first season on the Omex stuff Simon, we've used them for putting the suspension fertiliser on before potatoes and sugarbeet for years but have been unable to sensibly go to liquid fertilser ourselves until we upgraded to a trailed sprayer. We're using the TeeJet Stream jet nozzles for applying it.

Its the N20 with sulphur we're on at the moment but we do have a tank of N30 as well

Our sprayer was delivered to the dealers nearly 3 weeks ago Niels so it wouldn't have been ours that you saw last week

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Heres a few more pictures from this week, first one is of the two liquid fertilizer tanks, second is a standard sprayer nozzle and the third is the one of the fertilizer nozzles




Three of some of the calves we've had so far




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We've also got the contractor in at the moment lifting the last of our sugarbeet, brand new harvester agin for this season, has done just over 900hrs with it at the moment.







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Some lovely pictures there Gavalar...thanks for sharing...

I see the Liquid Fert nozzle is very different from a standard spray nozzle.. does it not need to be so specific in terms of pattern mate ??? and is it quite a thick, vicous liquid then ???

As for the Beet harvester.... what a monster... how many acres can that thing clock up a day then mate ???  What speed does it work at... and how many rows does it harvest at a time ???

Oh questions questions  :-[:D :D

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The liquid fertiliser could be put on with standard nozzles but then you could lose a lot in spray drift, with these nozzles there's zero drift and everything that comes out of them ends up on the ground. The fertiliser is thicker than water, water being approx 1kg/litre, this is 1.23kg/litre.

Its a 6 row harvester, in a good day it would probably lift 30 acres plus in ideal conditions. Speed is dependant on ground conditions and yield but probably anything up to 10-12kph I would guess

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Neat sprayer, Gav. I looked at the mounted JD a few years back, but price ruled it out believe it or not.

Lifting beet and the soil's not even sticking to the wheels - up here nobody can plough or even spread muck it's so soft.  ;D

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We think its the beet that have actually helped to keep it dry, but it is wetter than it looks in the pictures, after taking 13 loads of beet out of the field onto the road it was 3 inches deep in mud ;D

We actually have a few niggling "issues" with the sprayer at the minute waiting to be sorted out ::)

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