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At work with Gav


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great pictures  and videos Gav  ,have you had any more demos recently?

Thanks John, no more demo's as yet. The Case dealer would like to bring the Puma back to try on the harvester but I'm not so keen really as it would take a while to swap all the controls and monitors over from my tractor

any probs with the 20 then gav or is she for now behaving herself :D :D

No comment on that one at the minute ::)

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what is the restricting factor on speed Gav ??? .. what I mean is... does something slip, block up, break etc. ... what I THINK I mean is... what's the weakest part of the lifting system ???

As far as my LIMITED potato knowledge goes mate i think it is the anmount of soil going up the web at the front.... if you go too fast then the soil gets carried over the top.... maybe I am wrong.... not sure.....

I think it is something like that.....  ::)

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what is the restricting factor on speed Gav ??? .. what I mean is... does something slip, block up, break etc. ... what I THINK I mean is... what's the weakest part of the lifting system ???

The XS cleaner table is the weak point in the harvester Marky, if I try to push too much wet soil over it it will stop dead but luckily it has a reverser on it so I just have to flick the lever and it clears itself, drier soil is less of a problem. As Jez says its usually soil flow thats the limiting factor on speed however trash can play a big part in it too, I finished lifting 25 acres of bindweed infested spuds today and they were a nightmare to get through the machine in places with the weed wrapping around cleaning rollers (its wrecked 2 £70 rollers it wrapped up on) and holding the soil in the machine, when I got a clear patch I could go 1.5kph quicker, doesn't sound much but it adds up over the course of a day.

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Yeah, its taken me a few days to get used to the new machines traits but now I've got its measure we're getting on well. Boss said to me yesterday about 14 acres of ploughing that needs doing and wondered if I'd do it with the 6910 while he got on the harvester.........not a chance of that happening so someone else will have to do it which was the other option. I don't let anyone else use the harvester if I can avoid it (would need to be at deaths door for that to happen), its very much a one operator machine to be able to get the most out of it.

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some good going on the spuds gav , looks like the harvester copes comefortably with the amount of soil on the web as well mate , the standen i used to use used to suffer from aggitator bearing roller failure if a constant load was put on it , but trying to find a good comprimise was hellish as did't want to bruise too many spuds  the only time i filled the main web up was digging down hill or with salad varieties .

looking at the vid i see the main beam inhibits the view of the web , you find that an incumberance or just not take any notice of it now , ?

so is it a better  having a main beam or a full frame machine ?

like the pics  :)

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some good going on the spuds gav , looks like the harvester copes comefortably with the amount of soil on the web as well mate , the standen i used to use used to suffer from aggitator bearing roller failure if a constant load was put on it , but trying to find a good comprimise was hellish as did't want to bruise too many spuds  the only time i filled the main web up was digging down hill or with salad varieties .

looking at the vid i see the main beam inhibits the view of the web , you find that an incumberance or just not take any notice of it now , ?

so is it a better  having a main beam or a full frame machine ?

like the pictures  :)

Too be honest Marcus I don't really take any notice of it anymore, I've not used a full frame machine so can't comment on that one. The main beam also acts as an oil reservoir on here so the large surface area helps with keeping the oil cool compared to having one large tank on the machine.

I was told the bruising scores yesterday for the first two fields I lifted, we had a 0 which was excellent, a 10 which was good and a 35 which was horrendous, we can't work the latter one out from a harvester point of view as to get it that bad I would have to be doing something seriously wrong. My personal opinion is that they got some what had been dropped into the bottom of the bulker during loading. We are now looking at getting our own hotbox to monitor this ourselves

Great pictures and vide you have made. What is the use from tank on top off the harvester?


The tank is used to spray water onto the cleaning rollers in dry conditions to get soil to stick to them to help minimise bruising and assist with crop flow in the machine

Nice looking soil Gav,wheat next in there is it?

I believe it is wheat going in there next, its on land we rent for potatoes off our neighbour so can't be too sure. That end of the field is nice, the other end is more stone than soil.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been ploughing and drilling one of the ex potato fields Friday........well I warned the boss the first few ends of the field were wet ::) ::);D ;D ;D ;D

He went on to get stuck twice more blocking the drill up each time ::)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Heres a few updates for you from the past few days, we had our first visit from the sugarbeet harvesting contractor on Monday so have been drilling behind that until it turned too wet. He's changed his harvester again this year and this time has gone for a Beet Eater 625 instead of the smaller 4 wheeled 617 model he normally has. Its certainly a better machine performance whise and leaves the ground alot better to plough being more level and less compacted







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This little red thing also arrived on demo today but its too wet to do anything with it yet, will get some better pictures of it next week when its in use. First impressions of it are good though from taking it round the roads for a bit






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