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At work with Gav


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Lets just say its growing on me......... :D :D

It wasn't too bad in that bit of the field, still some damp puddingy places in the fields though, its all in thats the main thing as its getting late for rape

Come on over Gav will fit you into the JD supreme GAV6920s got a certain ring to it i think  ;) ;) ;D ;D

Nice pics though buddy are those wheels small or is it just me  :-\ :-\ :)

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Been ploughing a nasty little field today where the soil won't scour so its been sticking to the mouldboards and making it hard work.....unfortunately it is also a wet field.......bosses son was topping the set aside on there this morning, I'd just put my plough on when I looked across and saw he'd bogged the 6810 and topper, good start to the day at 8.30 am ::) ::)



Unfortunately he done it again at midday ::)


Which led to this happening when I tried to pull him out >:(:-[::)


Boss managed to pull me out with his 6420s no problems as I'd stopped before I went in too far, we then chained mine to the 6810 and the 6420s to the front of mine and hauled it straight out with little trouble

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A bit overdue but a few pages back I promised I'd get some pictures of the new cattle yard parts so here we are. We finally found some builders willing to do the job and they've made a start with rebuilding walls and erecting the feed barriers this week :)



These bits are all parts for the bull pens and are bl@@dy heavy :o



We now have our potato grading line set up as well, bit of a mismatch but it does the job :);)



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ooooooooh yes I'm the harvester operator, no one else can master my tractor for one thing :D :D Done about an acre so far and lifted between 20 and 25 tons of spuds so looking like a good year for them.

The Deere is a sore point after having yet another visit from the doctor during the week for a oil leak ::)

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looks like a good crop as you say mate, not seen any spud lifting round here yet, but did see kit being dragged out of the barns before i left for the holiday

so another jd doctor trip eh, do you think they will call it quits with it now??? must be costing a small fortune to run with all the faults she keeps producing

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It wasn't too major this time, well it would have been worse if it had of been left but just a pin ***** hole in the load sensing pipe on the back end of the tractor, cost more in labour than parts, can't see it getting changed for a while yet hough

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