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de stoner ( spalding 07)

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What a gem Dave.. very very nice... and well worth the ?45 price tag too...  :o

I reckon there will be a queue at your stand at Spalding.. and rightly so  ;)

S W E E T....

theres always a queue there :( :(....and i get there early :D :D :D

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like the look of that dave , does the rear conveyor move from side to side or is your version fixed ?

What is it used for ??  Is it for getting stones off ?

That a nice rig, can't imagine a field with that many rocks(stones)........

the idea isn't to remove the stones from the field completely . once the bed tiller & formers have made their pass you're left with ridges / beds approx 18 -24in deep & 68 -70 in's across, the destoner them makes a pass along the 'beds' effectively sieving the soil, the stones & clods that don't fall through the web on the destoner , get dropped onto the conveyor at the rear of the machine & then dropped into the wheel marks , thus  the stones don't damage the potatoes as they grow or during harvesting :)

pic 6 is the destoner working


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like the look of that dave , does the rear conveyor move from side to side or is your version fixed ?


the idea isn't to remove the stones from the field completely . once the bed tiller & formers have made their pass you're left with ridges / beds approx 18 -24in deep & 68 -70 in's across, the destoner them makes a pass along the 'beds' effectively sieving the soil, the stones & clods that don't fall through the web on the destoner , get dropped onto the conveyor at the rear of the machine & then dropped into the wheel marks , thus  the stones don't damage the potatoes as they grow or during harvesting :)

pic 6 is the destoner working


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