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down at smurfs


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That looks well Scott, how much cheaper is it doing it with the paper covering?? I seem to remember the plastic sheet was very expensive when you first started this project....

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1 plastic sheet abot 6 quid :(

Equivilent in paper 58p ;D

It's not the same quality but after the house it was becomeing too expensive  so i needed other alternatives

And there is still a lot more to do    And it is only for my benefit so a couple of rincles here and there won't matter

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1 plastic sheet abot 6 quid :(

Equivilent in paper 58p ;D

It's not the same quality but after the house it was becomeing too expensive  so i needed other alternatives

And there is still a lot more to do    And it is only for my benefit so a couple of rincles here and there won't matter

yeah the sheets are a lot!!.....i dont want to know what my sheds cost :D :D :D

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Looking good Sir. I was also going to ask about the wide span with the lean too on it, how is that one doing? And the house, remember that being a hell of a build, any changes or owt to that then?

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things are coming on slowly as allways but they are getting there

the large modern barn is in the attic with combines and what not in it    But i wanted to get back to the farm yard and finish it  As for how long it is going to take      Dunno as there are still a lot more buildings left to build yet      I'll get there one day soon  And then it will be a smart set up in an old fashion styleee

Thanks for all the coments

Regards  SMurF ;)

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Go for it    I'll give all the help I can if you want ;)

Besides there are fewer and fewer old type farms nowadays since the farmers have capitalised on their assets and sold them off for development

Such a shame but i supose they will last a lot longer in their new guise than if they stayed as delapidated old buildings which go to ruin as the farmers can't aford the upkeep :-\

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Go for it     I'll give all the help I can if you want ;)

Besides there are fewer and fewer old type farms nowadays since the farmers have capitalised on their assets and sold them off for development

Such a shame but i supose they will last a lot longer in their new guise than if they stayed as delapidated old buildings which go to ruin as the farmers can't aford the upkeep :-\

i am trying to keep mine old school to smurfy mate, just dont like all this modern stuff, been re arranging the layout to day, with 3 new buildings up and in palce

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The real thing

This is how it looks now  But i intend to build my model depicting what it looked like 30 years ago when we were a dairy farm with clamped silage :-\



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