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OI ! fp that bloody gauntlet hurt try a silk glove next time will you ! ;)

Well, had a spare hour to day so i made a start ,i did look at using an old Alfa Laval tanker but as i`ve only got the one in mint condition it seemed a shame to break it up so i have gone for the bauer tanker option as i`ve got 3 of them ,once the drawbar was shortened it didn`t look too bad so this is how it looks so far................................................................

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The cab ,grill & exhaust & pre-cleaner wre borrowed from the other 7710 so it`s not going to be complete for a while but when it is i`ll post the results  :)

so far so good fp ? not quite your standard i know but i`m trying ,as you can see no blu-tack to be seen ! :D :D

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Looks good mjb1? :). Look forward to the pics of it with the LGP Tyres. ;)

All in good time. ;)

looks good so far mjb,you'll have him eating his words before the end of the week i recon :D :D

Would be unlikely ! :D

Has anyone spotted the flotation wheel yet??

yes o/s rear when turning right & probably n/s rear when turning left ! :D :D :D

no,but thats a bloody big bolt for the hitch pin i can see ;) ;)

Artics don`t have 'pins' they have shafts at the pivot points ! ::)

I think the finished model (whenever that happens) should be sent to me to compensate me for all my pain & suffering :'(

:D [move]:D :D :D :D :D :D :D[/move] :D

:D [move]:D :D :D :D :D :D[/move] :D

Not on your nelly ! But seeing as its you i`ll send you a preveiw before it`s posted? ;):)

very fair i thinks brit :D :D :D :D

you`ve changed bestist bud, :(;) i thought you & i were friends but now i feel cheep & used !

Good god you`re a hard audience to work tonight ! ;):D;D

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Anyway... looks good so far, needs some sort of pivot mechanism where the link pin joins them up, similar sort of idea to the swivel on a dog lead clasp. :)

you mean so that it twists as well as turns fp ? Well like i said it was knocked up in an hour/houran half so there still work to be done,as & when time allows but it`s a start !Gona have to start saving for that cab & grill you got.

and a little clean and it will look great! :) :) :)

It will only be the decals & plastics that let it down as it`ll all be resprayed at some time

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what about the pivot point from a jcb junior dump truck,they turn and pivot ,

havn`t got a jcb junior , so it`s going to be built from whatever i can convert ,steal or make from whatevers at hand  ,thing is as the wife doesn`t work during the day & i work nights  so i`ve very little time to spend on it  ! :)

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