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messy fergusons


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well i a smell of dissinfectant most of the time due to having to spray it all over the lorry when entering farms due to F & M but i still get some pics when i can  , & found a farm that marky or sean would love to visit . but would end up crying or chaining them selves to the tractors with a petition for saviour :D

35 std model no hour meter

290 4592 hrs



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now for the ones that need a little tlc  :-\

185 6665 hrs , been here 3 years waiting for another engine to be fitted , the replacement engine has been sat next to it for 2 years  :-\

165 5345hrs , the front axle colapsed on this tractor , & was quickly bought in for repair, 3 years later the replacement axle is still on another tractor ,



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now for an all time favourite , 590 , quite a late one as well it's on a W plate so its a 1980 model , french built , which may explain why it may need a bit of a rub down , farmer says that if a battery were to be put on it it'd start , last used a year ago  :o 9672 hrs

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People who treat tractors like that shouldn't be allowed to own one.

you see a lot of tractors like that down this way mate, on small farms ect, mostly cattle farms,  moneys not so good down here as they can't supliment with grain ect, so what they have has to last no matter what, the kit just gets worn out ,works till it drops if you see what i mean

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veiw of the cab  :)

nice touch that the fergy wheel monitoring hole aint it marcus :D :D :D :D

what a shame to see a old girl like that just slowley rust away

well with 9000+ hours mate she hasn't done badly . by the sound of things she's had a hard life & has never been out of the dung but as you can see all the bonnet pannels are in really good nick .

i'll just remind some of you that , it's not just masseys i see like this , i just happened to have my cammera with me , i see some equally desparate fords & deere as well .

unlike todays drivers who have state of the art everything , the tractors of this era were bought to be used & just a tool for the job , so it's not surpriseing many end up like this , but not all's lost , she'll be stripped for parts as the 290 is the same underneath & if that manages to keep going it all good .

seeing as the grill was spread all over the flloor i decided to rescue the tipplie triangle badge from being trodden into the dirt from the cows , so when she's left to rust in peace i'll still have saved some of her , good of me wasnt it  ;) 

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veiw of the cab  :)

well with 9000+ hours mate she hasn't done badly . by the sound of things she's had a hard life & has never been out of the dung but as you can see all the bonnet pannels are in really good nick .

i'll just remind some of you that , it's not just masseys i see like this , i just happened to have my cammera with me , i see some equally desparate fords & deere as well .

unlike todays drivers who have state of the art everything , the tractors of this era were bought to be used & just a tool for the job , so it's not surpriseing many end up like this , but not all's lost , she'll be stripped for parts as the 290 is the same underneath & if that manages to keep going it all good 

very true mate,words well said, ,tractors were for the job in those days not for posing with all this high tech gear, washed once in a while and they still keep going even now, true basic machinary for the job, ya wont see any of these modern things arround in 30 or so years wil ya

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I agree with that, it'd be more of a waste to use a newer machine to do the same job, it'd rust out before it wore out. Around here there still are a few small dairy farmers and you can tell them apart from the arable guys just from the yard, I don't think they have the time or money to make a huge difference to their machines

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veiw of the cab  :)

well with 9000+ hours mate she hasn't done badly . by the sound of things she's had a hard life & has never been out of the dung but as you can see all the bonnet pannels are in really good nick .

i'll just remind some of you that , it's not just masseys i see like this , i just happened to have my cammera with me , i see some equally desparate fords & deere as well .

unlike todays drivers who have state of the art everything , the tractors of this era were bought to be used & just a tool for the job , so it's not surpriseing many end up like this , but not all's lost , she'll be stripped for parts as the 290 is the same underneath & if that manages to keep going it all good .

seeing as the grill was spread all over the flloor i decided to rescue the tipplie triangle badge from being trodden into the dirt from the cows , so when she's left to rust in peace i'll still have saved some of her , good of me wasnt it  ;)

So what your trying to say is your nothing more than a petty crook  :D :D :D
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Someone needs to inform the R.S.P.C.T. and have them arrested for cruelty to tractors. Probably another one of those farmers who whinge about the cost of machinery replacements. Judging by the rest of the junk around the farm and the look of general neglect about all their machinery, I would imagine their animals weren't too well looked after either.  :'(

    It's about time someone pointed out to them that had they looked after their machinery, they have a collection of tractors that should be appreciating in value as most of them are sought after classics. Instead they are s shameful collection of scrap that are worth only scrap value. Hardly even good enough for spares...

        ANIMALS..................Grrrrrrrr >:(

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Someone needs to inform the R.S.P.C.T. and have them arrested for cruelty to tractors. Probably another one of those farmers who whinge about the cost of machinery replacements. Judging by the rest of the junk around the farm and the look of general neglect about all their machinery, I would imagine their animals weren't too well looked after either.  :'(     It's about time someone pointed out to them that had they looked after their machinery, they have a collection of tractors that should be appreciating in value as most of them are sought after classics. Instead they are s shameful collection of scrap that are worth only scrap value. Hardly even good enough for spares...

        ANIMALS..................Grrrrrrrr >:(

couldn't be more wrong i'm afraid mate , there's a 2yearold circular milking parlour& state of the art bulktanks that cost a fortune , , all the cows i saw were very content & well, the calf boxes were very clean with plenty of clean straw about , it's usually the four legs rather than the four wheels that get a a far better deal out of farmers like this .

seeing as the grill was spread all over the flloor i decided to rescue the tipplie triangle badge from being trodden into the dirt from the cows , so when she's left to rust in peace i'll still have saved some of her , good of me wasnt it  ;)

So what your trying to say is your nothing more than a petty crook  :D :D :D

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What a rollercoaster of emotions this post is Marcus... some good pics of some superb machines... sadly in a poor state of repair... breaks my heart to see them like that it really does... That in mind they have clocked up some good hours between them all... so I guess some of that "wear" can be justified... the 590 needs a home Marcus... can't you step in and offer him ?500 to take if off his hands  :P

Thanks for posting though mate - he's got a great taste in tractors if nothing else  :-\

:'( :'( :'(

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