I've been tinkering away with a Magnum 7250 conversion over the last couple of weeks, I have my chassis, wheels and bonnet sorted, the floorpan is half done, but now I am to the cab stage which is something I'm undecided about. I have a few ideas which will result in the use of a modified roof and the rest will be scratchbuilt but before I go down this route I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a cab, maybe something I hadn't thought about.... \
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I've been tinkering away with a Magnum 7250 conversion over the last couple of weeks, I have my chassis, wheels and bonnet sorted, the floorpan is half done, but now I am to the cab stage which is something I'm undecided about. I have a few ideas which will result in the use of a modified roof and the rest will be scratchbuilt but before I go down this route I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a cab, maybe something I hadn't thought about.... \
Any help or suggestions appreciated.
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