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What really PLEASED you?

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Well done, Nick. Great news for you, what's next then?

Thanks Tris, urm im going back to my school to do another two years studying English literature, History, Art, General studies and dare i say it...[glow=red,2,300]Government & Politics[/glow]  :D

Thanks for the kind words

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blimey nice one nick, they good enough for your future plans then????

for me i am now officaly on 3 weeks holiday ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D just about to crack my first "cornish rattler" cyder of the eve and a nice layin planned for tommorrow morning to

good stuff that is was at the farm where they make it last friday i like the pear one

as for wot pleased me i got a day off on monday ::)

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good stuff that is was at the farm where they make it last friday i like the pear one

as for wot pleased me i got a day off on monday ::)

great aint it,  shes getting some more next time shes down truo for work, actually tastes of something compaired to most ciders

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Well done!!!!!

what are they then, not doing GCSE's at 13 is he?? :-\ :-\ ( i did check with Julie first!!!).....is he doing modules?

Now I'm home I've checked with Wes (in the geek department).... it was GCSE's - swotty little sod... cost me an iPod touch that has  >:( :'(
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Now I'm home I've checked with Wes (in the geek department).... it was GCSE's - swotty little sod... cost me an iPod touch that has  >:( :'(

will he do A levels this year then ?? if he does he would be going to university very early ..... imagine what that will cost you  :D;)

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Hey well done to you! How long were you training to become an accountant?

thanks tris. Been at college one day a week for past 3 years, this was a much better way than doing A levels, as i was working while studying. Got another 4 years now to become a chartered accountant!

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just got an email through saying that i am now a fully qualified accountant!  ;D ;D

nice one milo, my stepdaughters 3/4 of the way through her chartership, just had the books and exam funding from work, even though they are laying her off in the next month or so

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