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everythings going really well with mum, funerals all dated for next wednesday, and she seems very strong actually, been out most of today with her running arround,

As Mark says nice to see your mum is ok Sean. All part of your support and your brother...as my dad allways said to me "you only get one mother but can have many wives ...so look after your mother"

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it is tris, i am sure it will hit her after, that and the fact she never really had time to morn the loss of her mum/my nan 18 months back to, seeing as he had the stroke a few weeks earlier so all her time was in looking after him, we are both getting prepared for the hard times coming soon, as its bound to happen sadly, but shes got a holiday booked for sept with us away on a cruise, so has something to look forward to, plus may be up in suffolk soon with my brother and his kids, so a few things to look forward to hopefully

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That's good news regarding the plans for later in the year mate. Sounds like you're being a No1 son at the moment mate, bloody good for you. Our parents spend their lives looking over us, a little bit returned doesn't go amiss now and again. Top chap Sean.

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looks like m'lud has a bit of competition on his hands! i propose a duel!

i've been invited to visit my relatives in canada/ USA  around the great lakes next summer! being put up for free, just need to find £600 for flights and a bit of spending money! can't ****ing wait!  ;D ;D ;D

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I'll second that Tris. Just had a walk around the block and a chat with a couple of neighbours. Everyone is in such a feel good mood with weather like this. I'm going grad a mug of tea and toast and then get going outside ;) ;)

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everythings going really well with mum, funerals all dated for next wednesday, and she seems very strong actually, been out most of today with her running arround,

Thats good sean at least your mum and all your family will have "closure" mate im pleased to hear that she is strong because when i lost my dad i didnt know how my mum was going to be but thankfully she stayed "strong" it just amazes me how they cope

Regards Nick

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It will be the evenings and birthdays ect and the time when she is on her own the only thing you can do mate is just be there for her and just keep a close eye on her just to be sure she is ok i know how you feel mate really i do its very hard keep your chin up mate :) :)

Regards nick

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we will nick, thanks denis, just back from hers after she had the vicar round, luckly hes a ex royal marine chaplin, so has a wicked sence of humor, and fully understands that most marines aint religous, hes lined a good few jokes up in his chat about him, and has also contacted a few of ians ex forces mates to, which will be nice, no hyms as thats not a marines thing to do, just a couple of readings and thats it really, nice simple service with no fuss, just what he wanted

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funeral went well, everything to plan, vicar cracked a great ,very close to the knuckle joke in his bit ,typical marine  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , most of them there were ex forces anyway so it went down a storm,even the guys from the directors were cracked up at the back, might be biased, but thats the best funeral i have been to in a long time, very informal, light hearted no hyms,and jokes, perfect way to send the old fella off

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