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What really PLEASED you?

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YEA that really makes a  bloke pround when some apreciates  a good job ehh ;D ;D ;D ;D

I have abother litle story  ::) ::)::)

When i was injecting  sewage sludge for welsh water we at one farm for quite a while really sandy ground

i tryed my best do do a really good job as i like d the bloke whos ground we were on

only to get a phone call moaning after we had left

Manager calls me and says why didnt you fifnish the field  i said i had  well he said  farmwer had called him  moaning that the field wasnt finished and we should go back

Well i agree to  drive back to the field in my car and meet the manager there  i take out a metal bar with me we both walk out  into the field and   i pushthe bar down into the  slits made by the injector  pull it out and it has black sewage sludge on it  so manager agrees  we had finished the field  he calls the farmer  saiys we had finished the field and why did he think we hadnt

He tells him well when i drove past i couldnt see the  marks left by the injector

So there you go even when you do do a really good job sometimes some ones has to p1ss on your parade

so  when  someone takes the time to praise you on a good job it feels  good ehhh

what area were you injecting in then MX ???

what please me today was knowing that theres only 6 days till agri college  ;D its the only school type work i have ever looked foward to  :D

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It was digested sewage sludge Nice rich and black and still steaming hot when we got it

That had to be the easiest job in the world  but a pity the  field manger was a dipstick

pity i never took any pics at the time i did it for 2 years

at the time we were on contract  to welsh water  we did the injecting and they did the hauling

3 unimogs and 200 gal tankers 2 4000 gal mercs 8 wheelers and 3 leyland 6 wheelers with 300 gal tanks

had a remote control pump  alls them guys would do is pull up next to a 9000 gal tank blow there load off into it then i could do the rest from the tractor seat  sometimes a mile away

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Just had a fab day really - actually sold something really good :)... worked really hard at Hollylovestoys HQ (okay HQ is only my house, but I can pretend ::))... planned the refurbishment of the spare bedroom with the help of the Next catalogue (after moving the stockroom into the garage)...  plus had a nice evening in front the tv with bf... just fab and I can't stop grinning  ;D

Oh and not to forget something else that really pleased me... the photos that Old Ford has been sending me ;)

oh no, not those unclothed ones again, hes been warned about that before  :D :D :D :D :D

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Went to visit granddaughter Millie today and I AM GOING TO BE A GRANDMOTHER AGAIN!  Wonderful news but there is a possibility it may be twins!

Dad Simon says he will leave home if there are two coming

Brilliant news Sue... double trouble as well hey  :o :o
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congrats sue does this mean we get to wet the babbies heads twice then  ::) ::) or will it be a doubles night only  :D;)

for me it was making a fellow ftfer day  :-*

IF there are two - why not wet the babies heads twice?  However we do not yet know for certain that it is twins.

OOer  just thought - TWO more birthday presents, TWO more Christmas presents.  Oh what the heck - TWICE as much fun!

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It was digested sewage sludge Nice rich and black and still steaming hot when we got it

That had to be the easiest job in the world  but a pity the  field manger was a dipstick

pity i never took any pics at the time i did it for 2 years

at the time we were on contract  to welsh water  we did the injecting and they did the hauling

3 unimogs and 200 gal tankers 2 4000 gal mercs 8 wheelers and 3 leyland 6 wheelers with 300 gal tanks

had a remote control pump  alls them guys would do is pull up next to a 9000 gal tank blow there load off into it then i could do the rest from the tractor seat  sometimes a mile away

ah rite :) they used to spread some sewrage stuff  on our place  :) but it was done with samson spreaders not tankers though  :-\ there spreaders did more travelling than spreading  :D  the plant is about 15 mile away  :)

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