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My lad Ethan, was reading him a book with farm animals in.  i say where is the cow where is the pig etc he points and make piggy noises. but on one of the pages theres a tractor, i say where is the tractor and he turns round and points at my tractor cabinet. ;D ;D :)

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My lad Ethan, was reading him a book with farm animals in.  i say where is the cow where is the pig etc he points and make piggy noises. but on one of the pages theres a tractor, i say where is the tractor and he turns round and points at my tractor cabinet. ;D ;D :)

wait until he can get in there! :D :D :D :D ::)

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Having a trouble-free flight to Scotland via Newcastle in a turbo prop and and even better one back to Southampton in a  jet arriving 1/2 hour ahead of the timetable AND finding Best Beloved waiting for me.

That's great Susan - glad it went well for you after all... especially after your concerns before you left :)

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That's great Susan - glad it went well for you after all... especially after your concerns before you left :)

It couldn't have been smoother but oh boy I am really tired and am on support to boot.  I hope I don't get too many real problems as my brain is definitely not in gear.

The landing wasn't too good though.  It seemed like we hit something as there was a very loud bang and an almighty jolt similar to hitting a deep pothole.  If I had never flown before that landing would have put me off forever. (Pilot got 5/10 rating)

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Receiving my UH Banner Lane MF 135 from Farmmodels.

What a fantastic model it is too. Shame about the silly seat, and the hand throttle being in the "Fully open" position, but the rest makes up for it. Unbelievable detail.  :-*;):)

I was pleased today to receive my 1/32, 35X and Power Major. Had the Power Major out of the box, and it's a lovely model apart from the steering being loose on one side. Obviously didn't have a proper P.D.I.. before it was dispatched.

    I was glad I waited to get them from Farmmodels; bearing in mind what people paid for them from E Bay.

    As regards for Mandy's request for photo's...............well .......if you read my reports on the cameras I own, in "What camera are you using"; then you will know the answer to that one. ::):D

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Waking up this morning feeling almost right as rain. Still got a bad chest but my tummy bug has cleared up so after tea and toast, doing my lunchbox it's off to work to recover a boken down 8360 and finish a little fencing job. :)

Glad to hear it, Tris.  Nothing worse than a tummy bug. 

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Right... anyone want to do a bank in Bicester tonight lads..  ;D

You may joke but if only the public knew the truth!! This week there have been 3 of us covering the whole of Bicester and Kidlington's area on nights! :o :o :o :o

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