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from memory mate its very well signed of the 303, saw it last time i went by that way

What I really meant was if there was a map included on the page that people could print off, would save those that were not too sure carrying a road map with them.  ;)

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true mate, i tend to fly by the seat of my pants, if its not signed then i dont find it  :D :D more fun that way, only used sat nav once,spalding this year, and the thing told us to turn of at a jcn despite me knowing the map said it was the next one, so i di, just incase it knew a short cut, thing promptly told ud to u turn and rejoin the main road :D :D

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true mate, i tend to fly by the seat of my pants, if its not signed then i dont find it  :D :D more fun that way, only used sat nav once,spalding this year, and the thing told us to turn of at a jcn despite me knowing the map said it was the next one, so i di, just incase it knew a short cut, thing promptly told ud to u turn and rejoin the main road :D :D

Trouble with this sat-nav thing, it tends to take you a longer way sometimes as they don't have the smaller roads mapped. Very easy to find really, Turn off 303 signed to Wincanton and follow racecourse signs but the 'Toytrac signs will be up from the 303 anyway. Darn site easier than trying to find Farmer Giles' for the first time, at least I will be able to leave the map at home this time.  ;)

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easy place to find coming from london way  M3 till you see a massive sign for THE SOUTH WEST A303 (i've missed this twice before  ::) ::)::) ) and just keep on going to you see another massive massive sign for wincanton racecourse vice versa if you coming from devon way get on the A303 and if you miss it you don't deserve to go anyway 2 mins off the A303  :D :D :D :D

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Just a quickie to say to everyone going

[move]"Have a Wonderful Time"[/move]

I seem to be the only one not going but I cannot be in two places at once no matter how I try but I have had a word with the weather angel who says it will be bright and fine so plenty of punters people will be there to see all the lovely layouts

I expect to see some really stunning pictures on Monday

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I'm sat at work waiting for Gavvers to turn up... then we're off down to Wincanton... thats a thought... I'd better find out where we are staying I guess  :-[:D :D

I'll be taking plenty of pics for all of you who can't go...  ;)

Be good as I won't be on now until Sunday evening hopefully... can someone post inane drivel at every opportunity while I'm away for me please... oh... and keep flying the "Massey Massive flag" too..  ;D

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I'm sat at work waiting for Gavvers to turn up... then we're off down to Wincanton... thats a thought... I'd better find out where we are staying I guess  :-[:D :D

I'll be taking plenty of pics for all of you who can't go...  ;)

Be good as I won't be on now until Sunday evening hopefully... can someone post inane drivel at every opportunity while I'm away for me please... oh... and keep flying the "Massey Massive flag" too..  ;D

Only if you accept the Numpties they may will attract ;D ;D

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I'm sat at work waiting for Gavvers to turn up... then we're off down to Wincanton... thats a thought... I'd better find out where we are staying I guess  :-[:D :D

I'll be taking plenty of pics for all of you who can't go...  ;)

Be good as I won't be on now until Sunday evening hopefully... can someone post inane drivel at every opportunity while I'm away for me please... oh... and keep flying the "Massey Massive flag" too..  ;D

Thank You Marky, i think you should be PROMOTED to Official FTF Photographer!!! Your Spalding pics were excellent, cannot wait to see your Toytrac pics, its very kind of you to think about the ones that cannot attend!!!



PS - Have a good time  ;)  ;)

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I'm sat at work waiting for Gavvers to turn up... then we're off down to Wincanton... thats a thought... I'd better find out where we are staying I guess  :-[:D :D

I'll be taking plenty of pics for all of you who can't go...  ;)

Be good as I won't be on now until Sunday evening hopefully... can someone post inane drivel at every opportunity while I'm away for me please... oh... and keep flying the "Massey Massive flag" too..  ;D

sorry thats already been taken down and burnt :D :D :D and welcome to the new Ford Toys Forum ;)

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