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jez are you still buying in a claas960 or whats the craic? ???

It's on it's way mate... bought one from toptractor last week...

Looks good jez, one question, Why the 2 pitch roof? wouldnt it be easyer to make one that falls the same picth all the way?

Well mate the way i'm thinking it will be as easy to build this way, one piece of A4 card for the larger section and one half for the front........ Make sense???

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makes sence jez,

Great, i'll get ordering.

get to work jez  :D:P looks like a cracker  ;) ;)

I will asap mate.

I have just decided to do it four bays not three to save having a half a piece of card left.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right guys, quick question.

My next shed. Do I make it with steel galvanised I beams and green cladding like my workshop or shall I make it and paint them red oxide colour with black cladding?

Answers on a postcard to :  :D :D :D :D

I will sit and wait.............................

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Lot of the new buildings going up round here have dark blue painted steel with Yorkshire boarding or galv steelwork with dark blue cladding, look very smart. I'll see if I can get some photos of some for you...

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Thats what I was thinking. Stick with the green  ;) ;) and silver steel galvanised.

mine Jez is based on a barn near me, i think the colour of the cladding is down to the local planners in some cases :-\, Green would suit a barn in a more enclosed location, etc......

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Here we go again........

Got the first two beams done and a sample area of the hardcore flooring, it's cement powder and railway balast stones mixed together.

Bak off outside now to try and fet the third beam done.





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great start.......its gonna look just like the one i sketched for building  >:( >:(>:( >:(............................ :D :D :D

Ha ha, well you can still build yours ben?????

I've got to try and plain out the floor so I can get the hardcore in...

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Looking good Jez, will you mix the floor with PVA or lay it over the top of PVA or something totally different? Planing out will be a bu66er, could you not jsy put larger angle around the thre closed sides as shutter boards but perminant ones?

Gonna look great with the rakes and mowers etc all stacked up in there at the close of play.

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Looking good Jez, will you mix the floor with PVA or lay it over the top of PVA or something totally different? Planing out will be a bu66er, could you not jsy put larger angle around the thre closed sides as shutter boards but perminant ones?

Gonna look great with the rakes and mowers etc all stacked up in there at the close of play.

hmm, true Tris, I might get some pva and mix it with water and test spraying it over the top, ideally the cement powder will set and go hard ish.......

Cheers guys, got all the beams done now  ;) ;)

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