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Whats on your workbench???

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a nearly ready for paint mf build, tempted to start a topic now, or shall i leave it till done and surprise you all like the 625 i did ???

currently uploading 20 pics of it so far

is it what i think it is sean ? :)

um got bored so looked in my scrap box & started this

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transit sounds intresting trissy mate

for me, a fully primed body chassis and fittings for project mf, wheels are painted up as is the exhaust and airfilter bits and bobs, hopefully time allowing top coat tommorrow night then i can sort the cab interior and fittings

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A finished Unimog and an almost complete Transit fridge van. Niether were much of a challenge but I'm pretty pleased. Pics/Topic soonish :)

trissal (sorry tris im in a funny mood) sounds brill  if i had a go at the tranny then it would have rusted away before i finshed it  :D  :D :D :D :D

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It was close to it Adam believe me, such a simple thing to do but just finding the time to finish what I started!! Needs a couple of coats of laquer, detailing the black around the door pillars and windows and putting back together. Unimog is done and waiting to be sent to the new owner.

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