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Whats on your workbench???

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mf699 base parts have been  in the paint booth,fitted with pma32 cat 2 linkage and running on uh celtis chassis





and the jd 965 is back on the bench, new back end fitted now 1 cm longer and the side pannel on one side, new front wheels to be fited as these just don't look right compaired to the one i got pics of, rams work on reel at the front, still loads to do ,and i am struggling with it, just cant get the shapes right at the mo??? but getting there slowly, will help in the build of jd combine no2 when i do it mind



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This is my plan but I am waiting fotr the Wiking 6930 ??? ??? Have far have you got Pete ???


well Paul have stripped the ferie down and had the dremel at the front axle to cut away some of the extra bit. cut the bonet of the 7530. and am try to get the fuel tank to look right will post a pic tonight.

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