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Getting a phone call to say my uncle is in hospital with a stroke. Been at the hospital for a good bit of the day and have just came home to answer a phone call saying he has passed away!  >:(  >:(

Life seems so bloody unfair, my dad passed away after suffering a stroke on christmas eve past (his birthday too) and now my favourite uncle passing away with a stroke as well. I feel so sorry for my mum, she's not had it easy with dads passing and now her brother!

It makes you question your faith!!!

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Noel, best wishes mate. No doubt it, you have had a sh!t year, sounds right tough. I guess the recent birth in the family can bring a new focus for your Mum. I hope she keeps afloat mate and that you can be there for her. Don't forget yourself though and talk to people. It's very helpful and very therapeutic to hear aloud what's going on in your head.


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Getting a phone call to say my uncle is in hospital with a stroke. Been at the hospital for a good bit of the day and have just came home to answer a phone call saying he has passed away!  >:(  >:(

Life seems so bloody unfair, my dad passed away after suffering a stroke on christmas eve past (his birthday too) and now my favourite uncle passing away with a stroke as well. I feel so sorry for my mum, she's not had it easy with dads passing and now her brother!

It makes you question your faith!!!

Sorry to here that noel, my thoughts are with you and your faimly :-*:-*

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Sorry to here that noel, my thoughts are with you and your faimly :-*:-*

indeed, FTF is here to help in some way :-*:-* :-*:-*

the wife has been through the same, with her father last year and her autie this year, both with cancer :( :( :'( :'(

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Thank You everyone for your kind and thoughful comments.

I know i will be ok, kinda grown a thick skin now.

I hope with my sister still being at home with the twins for another few months might distract mum enough.

once again thank you for your kind words.

I would have cracked up by now if it wasn't for this place!

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Last night around 10.00 lights appeared on my drive.  Young woman in tears "I have killed your cat". 

Not my cat as I do not own one but I took a torch and went with her up the road, picked it up and brought it into my drive to save it being mangled by further traffic. The little cat was wearing a collar with the address of a house behind mine so the young woman went round.  15 minutes later I was trying to comfort the owner who came to collect it with her husband. 

I have lost count how many cats I have lifted out of the road over the years.

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Last night around 10.00 lights appeared on my drive.  Young woman in tears "I have killed your cat". 

Not my cat as I do not own one but I took a torch and went with her up the road, picked it up and brought it into my drive to save it being mangled by further traffic. The little cat was wearing a collar with the address of a house behind mine so the young woman went round.  15 minutes later I was trying to comfort the owner who came to collect it with her husband. 

I have lost count how many cats I have lifted out of the road over the years.

Oh thats a shame Sue, it its very hard thing to do, tell somone they have lost somthing they love.  :'( :-*

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