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Well not really today as I found out Monday but I'm sad all the same :( :(

My Dad has been suffering from a bad back and was referred to the hospital for tests ::) he got the results from x rays and blood tests and it turns out he has a form of bone cancer called multiple myleoma >:( >:(>:(

My old man is only 58 and this just doesn't seem fair I'm gutted but he seems more worried that when his new NH T6080 comes at the end of the month someone else will drive it before him ::) ::)::)

That is terrible, so sorry to here that. Chin up mate :'( :'( :'(

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oh hell paul, really sorry to hear that mate, mind you given our familly have just gone through a big cancer scare, its actually best if he does worry about other things and keeps his mind of it, helped no end with my stepdad, ,just keep him happy and hell take him in to work the day his new rig turns up so he can drive it first, even if it is for 5 mins, would be worth the smile on his face i can tell you

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Opened the local paper today to see a bloke who i have known since school and the year above me had died unexpectadly whilst on holiday in egypt

phoned a mutual friend to find out that he had had a massive heart attack      This bloke was as fit as a fiddle

doesn't make much sense    but bring it home that it can happen to anyone    what ever thire age/fitness

very sad news

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Thanks for the kind words lads , but my week just gets worse :( just back from hospital after a call to say the old fella has had a stroke , mums distraut now after all hes been through with the cancer and complicatons with that  >:( >:(

Ohhhh bloody hell Sean... what a week mate... get well soon dad - not a serious stroke I hope mate ???
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Thanks for the kind words lads , but my week just gets worse :( just back from hospital after a call to say the old fella has had a stroke , mums distraut now after all hes been through with the cancer and complicatons with that  >:( >:(

Just to echo what Mark and Ad have said, sorry to hear your news and hope things improve Mate

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Thanks for the kind words lads , but my week just gets worse :( just back from hospital after a call to say the old fella has had a stroke , mums distraut now after all hes been through with the cancer and complicatons with that  >:( >:(

So sorry to hear that mate, you are having a very bad week.

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well thanks again lads, the good news is the prognosis for him is good, he had the stroke at 4ish yesterday afternoon at home,when we arrived he was paralised down his right hand side, and no speach, but knew we were there as he would squeze your hands when you talked to him , by the time we left at 9 ish last night he moving his right arm and leg, all be it in a un cordianted way, and was talking gobbeldygook(yeah i know looks like my spelling ;):D) only concern at mo is what his right eye is like as even then they still wer'nt getting any resopnce out of it compaired to his left one

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very mate, mothers a lot more positive today, last night she was a wreck, eye sights still a worry,but the nurse said when she rang that hes deff got hs grip back in his right arm now, as he sqwashed her hand when she took blood( hit a nerve or something) speak is still out of it, but thats curable, so hopefully it was only a minor one by the looks of it, all being well it will tell the old bugger to slow down now, at 65 with 2 jobs its time to take it easy

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very mate, mothers a lot more positive today, last night she was a wreck, eye sights still a worry,but the nurse said when she rang that hes deff got hs grip back in his right arm now, as he sqwashed her hand when she took blood( hit a nerve or something) speak is still out of it, but thats curable, so hopefully it was only a minor one by the looks of it, all being well it will tell the old bugger to slow down now, at 65 with 2 jobs its time to take it easy

Thats good news Sean hope he makes a speedy recovery

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