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The adventures of Marky and Frankie the MF5445 - Born on 09.05.2008

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no problem matty, just wanted too know why you think only van and lorrys should have these marker things, as far as i see it you should still check wheels nuts on tractors and trailers and i can see these as a time saver if you only have to look to check them and not get out the socket set and long bar, and where do i critise every thing you do then

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Indeed boys.. and this is right on the safe limit for weight in my opinion... I've got a full set of weights up front... belly weight and water ballasted front tyres  :o - she's still a bit light up front - so imagine the weight on those rear wheels.. I've been thinking about welding up the centres to be honest  :-\

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no problem matty, just wanted too know why you think only van and lorrys should have these marker things, as far as i see it you should still check wheels nuts on tractors and trailers and i can see these as a time saver if you only have to look to check them and not get out the socket set and long bar, and where do i critise every thing you do then

ah right, yea suppose they are a good idea ;) but it's probably because they are more common on lorrys and vans as they are heavy goods at high speed, and the other thing... this isnt the first time but let's forget about it ;):-*:D

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Indeed boys.. and this is right on the safe limit for weight in my opinion... I've got a full set of weights up front... belly weight and water ballasted front tyres  :o - she's still a bit light up front - so imagine the weight on those rear wheels.. I've been thinking about welding up the centres to be honest   :-\

think you have lost me now :-\ :-\.....cant you just get a Bazza weight ??? ??? ::)

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I think 'debate' could be misread as criticism here Matty... as you said.. lets forget it hey  ;)

We can disagree on things.. and discuss them without it getting heated hopefully.. In essence... that's what a forum is all about really  :-\

think you have lost me now :-\ :-\.....cant you just get a Bazza weight ??? ??? ::)

:D :D - she would split in half with a bazza weight  :D :D

those wheels and nuts must be ok marky, they would be able to handel a 10 ton trailer ect no problems so that baler is well with in that

I'll show you when you come up to see her mate... she's a heavy piece of kit for a small tractor really  :-\
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cant the dealers help you out mate?? they must have specs or be able to get them from fergy themselfs, i cant see them selling those spec hubs and tyres if it couldnt cope

Massey said it was on the limit when I ordered it.. they upgraded my link arms to stronger hooks for half the extra cost gaud bless em...

oooo right, get you now 8) but to be honest, those wheel nuts wont go anywhere mate ;D8)

Lets hope so hey Matty... I'm sure you are right mate  ;)
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on the limit eh, didnt they offer better ones then??

as mattys said i cant see them coming off, not if torqued on propper ,and those yellws will help keep an eye on them

On the safe limit of the tractor as a whole mate... not just the wheels  :-[:-\
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oohh with you, mmm time to upgrade for a bigger uncle franky then, nice 6 series next then :D

Oh god dont tempt him  :D

IM with you on the wheel nut indicator thingys. Got to have your bum covered nowadays.

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Thanks Kris... and as for you Mr Pullen... Diane has a shotgun cartridge with your name on it already... that could be upgraded to a tank shell at this rate mate  :D :D

yeah yeah, and loose your best ebay spotter, you'd never let that happen :D :D :D :D

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On the safe limit of the tractor as a whole mate... not just the wheels  :-[:-\

I'll bet you'll find that the tyres are technically the weakest link. You may be close with the axle loading but some of the tyres have surprising low loadings at 40 k (A8) Take the weight of the tractor plus say 3.5 t for you press, divide by two as you say she's light on the front and you will be close!  :)

Even a 10 tonne trailer puts around 2.5t on the drawbar.  :)

So definitely a bigger tractor required  ;D ;D

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I'll show this post to Mrs F now John...

"It's true Diane.... look.. John knows... he's a REAL farmer"  :P :P :P

I'll show this to TT - Marky thinks I'm a real farmer  ;D ;D

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welding the wheels isnt the way to go :o were i used to work we were always shearing the wheel bolts, cracking the dishes etc due to the weight of the flailarms sticking out and going over rough land! now the whole centres have been cut out and thick plate solid steel centres have been welded in, no problems now ;)  i wouldnt go welding it up while under warranty, solid centres are the way to go, pm me for more details if you want.

dealer needs his arse kicking as ya tractor dosnt sound up to the job size wise and solids could have been a factory option im sure ;)

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Yes I would have to agree with Mike fully welded up centres like 50k versions should have been ordered I feel :-[

You need to order that 58 plate 6465 soon Marky - from what I heard its October delivery date now :o

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