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my new ploughing rig mf1250

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been after one of these for a while now, i have a 16th scale on the way, but couldnt justify a second brian norman 1200 and pulling the back end apart to make it useful on the layout, so 2 weekends ago i started this on the spur of the moment really, plan was to do the 699 to be honest, but this kind of got in the way a little

started out with this and a lots of pics from marky f,




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so far i recon 3 days solid, but thats odd hrs here and there over the last 2 weeks or so, tyre warmwers are good, keeps the paint dust of the rubber, i found that a real pain to remove at times

shes all 1mm thick plasti card, bar the wheels, so fully self made, worth the cost savings over the brain norman one, to date 25 quid most of that being the rims for her

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Crikey Sean, hell of a project to undetake but you seem to be on top of it. Going to look flipping great on that chisel plough when she's done mate, our 1200 at college blew lift ram seals all the time trying to lift a 4 furrow reversible but she handled a chisel fine. I love the wheels, they seem to be perfect to bve honest. I'm glad someone else gets mucky gluey finger prints everywhere too, I thought it was just me  :D

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