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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. People are taking pre-orders for july which sounds like they are near the FTF 6600...but then they may not have any more idea than anyone else
  2. Not with this farmer, hes got three 716
  3. I'd say maize in this field and still a lot more to do, all of the land from the combine pictures from last year is still to be planted. Quite a few fields of potatos are going in as well now. It does seem a late start, the land was very wet though now we've had 3 hours of rain in 2 weeks, maybe they are banking on a boiling summer?
  4. Last one This ones been ploughing last 2 weeks solid and they still have much to do.
  5. What can you do? everyone has a 716
  6. You could have sent those photos off to the news services and made a few $$$. Excellent topic
  7. Theres a lack of fire in these pictures, you've got plenty of smoke mind you How do you transport a 4m drill on the roads?
  8. If you have the chance to go, GO! Take a camera (take 3) and then amaze us with the spectacle Lets just hope they don't get more than 2,140
  9. hey TOG That tractor is ridiculously 70's, I like the way the bonnet is all curvy and the cab all angles - its like the cab and bonnet designers met and decided on one common angle to use, then never saw each other again, strangely though i like it, must be the sticky out wheels Few questions What are the interior conditions like? How much does something like that cost? and a general Q - are the heaters on your tractors standard? looks quite cold!
  10. Brass, I envy your skill. I only need say this the one time, i think all of your conversions that you have posted so far are brilliant. Keep up the good work and thanks for showing them Edited to add - I hope your fourm name means we'll soon be seeing some MBs
  11. Deffinatly a good call. I hope to choose that style if i make this :
  12. Good idea, floatations all the way just don't know if those tyres are really the best looking
  13. I wasn't born in the eighteen hundreds, what you all on about?
  14. What a find! Bet your friend was more supprised :D
  15. The computer says 1983. What are the exemptions for rops? Was there something on here about the law if the owner operates it?
  16. That does work quite well I've never tried this myself, but maybe a curved back would work slightly better as the original image remains truer?
  17. This might help a few of you....some home printers can take rolls of paper, but it does all depend on the model. The advantage is pretty obvious though!
  18. We're only suggesting the next Ford guys...not instead of something (less desirable)...don't get worked up
  19. Looks all wrong for that. Wondering if it is one of their converted trucks though???
  20. What is the vehicle with the red door in the real sprayer picture?
  21. What we need is a nice 8100/8200
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