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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. I got distracted reading Stuart Gibbard's book and started building this, what hopefully looks like an early Muir Hill 101 Its still early an early prototype, but I wanted to post it anyway and i'm hoping someone has similar tyres + axle to the ones on here they can sell me , as a pair on here are "borrowed" (colour not important as they will be painted) I've still some work to do on the front axle, as I forgot about the height of the steering pin when I worked out the axle heights, so its sitting a bit high at the front. I will make the front axle more realistic, but am determined to keep the steering. Please excuse the cut and shut middle section, theres still a bit of work to do on the cab floor
  2. I'm glad to see someone has finally made one! I realise that on that chassis the wheels are where they are and so their placement is hard to change, but they do seem a bit too far forward. But even though I've said that, as we have discussed at length before, its a balancing act between detail and price, and to me the rest looks excellent
  3. I've heard something like that, some study in the U.S reckons that if an artic passes over the same piece of ground in a field more than twice, the yeild is serverly affected.
  4. Hi Thanks a lot , I'd forgotton about http://www.agrarmodelle.de/
  5. Looks like that volvo was meant to be tracked
  6. to be clear, by attachements, I mean the part that attaches to the chassis of the tractor, its like a little spear head. I'm leaving the modern loaders out of it for now FB, this is variations of the original (and best) loader
  7. How many variations on the front end loader were produced? I know there is an obviouis difference with the auto way colours, but I have had ones with metal or plastic attachement pieces in many different colours and I have so far seen 3 different types of decals on the farm version.
  8. interesting sticker on the box - looks like it came off a colour inkjet......in '85?
  9. Hi all. I'd think any modern printer capable of photo printing would be fine, the other day I printed off writing 1.5mm high on waterslide on a Epson C46 and that was still readable (that was a suprise), so I think most should be o.k. I used automotive laquer to lock the ink to the print, but I did this purely because it comes in spray form, airbrushes apparently don't like it. As for a decal design service....sorry but I think I'll give that a miss, if there are angles involved and you don't have the tractor in front of you It'd be a nightmare (too busy at the mo anyway, if I do any decals for myself that would be useful to others, I'll post them up)
  10. Ah These came off a hongwell 1/43 loader, they look similar
  11. I just got back from an auction room today, and was supprised to hear they have been having a lot of problems with the theft of Britains tractors from the previews, they didn't say what got nicked but I think it was some old fordsons on spuds. Going to keep my eyes peeled from now on!
  12. Yep, the original is posted in the pictures section
  13. http://www.claas.com/uk/aktuell/bildarchiv/xerion-bildarchiv.html That probably explains it better than I can, there are two versions. Its a big (by euro standards) 335hp tractor, unlikely to be used to carry bushels The hopper may be to refill a seeddrill behind it, siku probably added it for play value
  14. Strip the paint,sand and file down the metal casting and all the excess from the plastic castings then reassemble and respray (one day, when I buy a spray gun)
  15. Last one (bet your glad you have broadband (if you do) Nice detail on the tryes. In my opinion it looks much better with these simple changes, I might make some more, like painting the steps and adding mirrors, finding something to fit the front, but for now I'm leaving it as this.
  16. Took off the front linkage as well, just looked clumsy
  17. They are a tight fit, I'm going to improve the front ones when I find some more suitible washers
  18. Said I didn't like the tyres, best stop moaning and change them then!
  19. I err ended up taking the Hesston apart...lots of pieces... Wasn't happy with the finish of the paint or the trim of the plastic....
  20. How'd you figure that, ?22.(001) is still ?1.98.5 more than ?20.01 1/2
  21. I think RC2 know you want a 885XL by now ha ha!
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