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Everything posted by ihatepoundland

  1. I've resisted UH so far, mainly because I'm more interested in NH and Masseys, well the stuff I see in the fields, but I can not deny they are probably the best models pound for pound out there. If they bring out a good range of implements, I can see a switch for me, I've pretty much got hold of what I want Britains wise, apart from doing the numerous conversions I've got planned (I'm not a MIB collector of everything, I just wanted a working farm). If UH brought out a NH or a Massey, I'd be breaking down the door.
  2. Look at that, we'd just joined FP, ah, the good ole days
  3. I sold a broken one of those for 50p to nathan! Can't see why its worth that much
  4. I think this model is actually 1:43 so no great loss
  5. Found this earlier, quite interesting http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6961943111&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1
  6. No worries, it isn't that important anyway, I'd only really value a boxed one and even then I'd spend my money on a lot of things before that
  7. Whose got a keen eye? Is this a real one? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=6962819980&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEBI%3AIT&rd=1 Or do you need to see the linkage (My copy of D Pullens book is about 200 miles away at the mo)
  8. Years ago I had a 1:35 model kit truck with a DROPS system, a pain to make, but everything moved. I think that would work quite well, it was 1:35, but it was a BIG truck
  9. Not a tractor, but some of you will still be interested to see what this newray truck went for......and marvel at the bidding http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=6962057024&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT
  10. Now thats impressive! It must have taken a while to work out all the lengths and angles
  11. I'd be tempted to attack that with the paintbrush, it could look quite good
  12. That pipe trailer and moggie he was selling was also a bit of a bargin
  13. Ebay, model shops etc, I got mine through the university, if you can find a uni with an external site, they usually offer the best prices on the stuff
  14. its a thermoplastic that becomes pilable at 70 degrees, so you can mould it into whatever shape you like, and once it reaches room temp it will have set as hard if not harder than most plastics out there now. So you can quickly prototype shapes and experiement with fittings.
  15. hey all, I have also been trying this (Dave, I emailed you about this a while back ) the proportions of the bonnet are wrong, I've found the real things cab and bonnet sit higher than you can reasonably achieve on the valmet chassis, I created a polymorth front axle to test this, and haven't fully given up, but its not easy
  16. Hes not a quick worker, hes just trained some helper monkeys, that why he works in the garden
  17. Good work so far I'd have to agree on the hieght thing, looking a little too rowcrop, but putting some wider tyres on may soon change the way that appears
  18. if thats you bidding, then I apoligise for the way in which I approached it. I've got one off ebay in that condition for ?26, I've seen some cheaper, but I would not pay over ?35
  19. What are you doing!!! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=741&item=6960892460&rd=1
  20. I have to keep checking these things because I don't believe the prices, I try to find whatever these people have seen to make it worth bidding that much on, but its just not there. You can buy 5 for that money!
  21. Holy zombie jesus! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=741&item=6959792497&rd=1
  22. What about the new mower, is that worth waiting for?
  23. Another thought, the loader should be more stable, as when the wheels on a front loader are turned there would be a transition of weight
  24. All good Did you use anything special to cut the two seeddrills in half?
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