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Everything posted by CMB

  1. Paul is there a way you could make a top link receptor (ie by making a vertical cut in the metal)?
  2. Stunning you've reached Damien-detail level there! I'm sure it wouldn't look out of place on any of the best show layouts.
  3. Will you use the Powerfarm pto provided Paul or buy an Artisan one?
  4. I've just bought a broken, second Maschio from a rather expensive job-lot of mostly crud on Ebay, and I'm about to find out if the Maschio was the clincher as I've put the rest straight back on. The crumble roll has come off so I will use it as a front-mounted power harrow.
  5. Interesting Britains Ford/County/crawler conversion, Code 3?: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121205099049?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  6. This listing on a Ebay search: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Black-Beer-Bottle-/221312378356?pt=UK_ToysGames_DiecastVehicles_DiecastVehicles_JN&hash=item33873ee5f4
  7. Those mini zip ties look handy! Neat little conversion there Paul.
  8. Chaps aren't cheap are they? It's reassuring to hear they've lasted you 13 years though.
  9. It was published thirty years ago, well remembered!
  10. Only work-related thing I did today was give a quote for a job, it was too wet to do much else. I've just finished bidding/listing on Ebay
  11. Britains JD 3050. Britains JD 3350. Britains job lot with rare red Greys buck rake. book, Britains Model Tractors and Implements by David Bate.
  12. Britains old mould 2-wheel tipper with unusual grey rack (s) and wide tyres.
  13. Like you I've also had a 'cooling' of interest in the hobby this year, but it experienced a big shot in the arm last weekend so who knows..
  14. I saw a little figure in the distance wearing wellingtons but he was small enough to be in a diorama so I didn't shout. The displays were awe-inspiring. I was especially impressed with the younger entrants like Rob on here who is more inventive than I ever was at his age, and with my ocd I'm obsessive about detail but he really takes the digestive. And I'd have gladly paid a few monkeys for either of the Pitt brother's or Pete Middleton's layouts 'cause there's no way I'd ever come close, and Graham excelled himself again. Just feel lucky to have seen them all in the flesh really.
  15. Yes I assumed it was a Fleming too. Nice idea Paul, I might copy yours!
  16. Time I started buying some more of George's barns, who knows for how much longer he'll be building them?
  17. Yes a Ford transition model from the mid 70s which I forgot I already had , was looking for a 5000 with the short round front exhaust only, but seemed like a reasonable buy from Brian Norman to me. That's right a Britains NH/Fiatagri in orange from 1996. Was actually looking for the larger M160 in orange but this sufficed. The Wiking JD7430 is a excellent model Mark, I was looking for a model with a realistic loader and backend and this fitted the bill perfectly. Can't say how it matches up to the real machine because I've never seen one in the flesh! Edit: comparing the model with a google images search, it looks like they're not far off, but there is a discussion in the Wiking 2011 thread that gives a good rundown of the model.
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