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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. ooh can i see a VOLVO VNL on the middle shelf ?
  2. great topic chap! DBfan & yourself really seem to be getting things just right on your displays , very nice to see things as lifelike as they are, good to see the difference between a weathered model & a rough dirty played with toy brilliant , keep up the good work
  3. MJB1


    really ? that does surprise me best get one fitted to the passenger one as well before sean turns up on saturday mate either that or just keep the bucket off or the loader down
  4. what ? the TW30 was a bubble cab (blue & white decal) the TW35 was a bubble cab (blue decal) & was re-released as TW35 with SQ cab (black decal)
  5. ah but the one above should have a bubble top cab, matter of fact we want to see a TW30 from mark anyway , but i spose he just as well have the 3 sean TW30,TW35 & TW35sq
  6. well massey massive or not you have to admire the lengths the opposition will go to ,to try & compete & ford didn't do too badly . yes it was taken on my travels mark , but when i walked up to it for a look round it wasn't as large as i remember them, i remember the TW's as huge giants of their time , but time goes on & as you get bigger the big things get smaller , bit like the supposition that wagon wheels are smaller than they used to be , truth is they havent changed size we have ! i wont twist your arm too much , after all , we want to see a decent conversion , not a one armed hashup
  7. aah you should see my desktop pic mike :D
  8. is that what you call them bill ? i've always called them william no pun intended , i've always called bulls william as i've talked to them
  9. tidy 6180 tidy but mucky 4255 dont often see these about , a Deutz Fahr materials handler & to finish off 1...2...3 aaaahhhhhhh
  10. best post a few more i spose definately a 956 this time a great tractor to find , a trusty DB1210 on a saw bench one of the reasons i love my job NH 7060 on milk haul duties another great find , a semi retired TW35 but sporting a SQ roof looks like they're unloading ships at the docks, bit dusty in the store
  11. i know it's the wrong roof................................................. but go on you know you want to
  12. MJB1


    think lap belts have ben fitted for a fair few years now , but ive never used them in tractors , although i did use them on materials handlers when loading dung & some of my more exciteable silage heaps
  13. small holding & arable/beef sound great , but i'd leave out the contractors yard , you soon find model contractors yards fill up with an unreal ammount of machinery, so much so the display eventually becomes all yard & no fields to show the machinery off with i'd keep to the farms & 'call in' the contractors ,that way you can keep your options open & change the kit they use as you please after all, different contractors, different kit !
  14. ah yeah um sean photoshopped it to highlight the sissal
  15. use the mat as a standing crop , but use some coconut matting & pull apart for cut swaths as coir matting is a reall bugger to try to cut to use as straw
  16. soory mate not going to be there this year , but with any luck will see you a bit later in the summer/ autumn
  17. there's a big surge in classic combines mart , maybe you could buy the 698 & the 525 for the same price as the 3095
  18. well done jack some nice updates , & see you're getting used to the new camera , just take your time when taking pictures mate , looks like you're pressing the button a bit quick & not leaving the auto-focus time to work
  19. what happened to this tractor mark , do you still have it ? did you ever get some period discs for it ? maybe a resprayed set of coopers would suit it & yes i a gree with sean , you should get a TW30 done to share a shed with it
  20. any updates mark ? been a few months now mate
  21. MJB1

    Some MFs

    really cant believe i missed this topic ............sorry john your friend has some stunning tractors there, my favourite would have to be the 185 & 3095 ! what was in bits by the little grey chap ? thought i'd ask , but seem to get to this topic 2 years late
  22. MJB1

    At work with Gav

    nice pictures gav always good to catch up with your topic , as well as the pics it's surprising the ammount you learn also
  23. think the 4055 i used to drive had one ? can't believe this go nowhere topic is still going nowhere
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