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Everything posted by MJB1

  1. i know the one it's at walford cross between Taunton & North Petherton just opposite the massey dealer , it's a young farmers advert thing see if i can get a pic later
  2. nice to have a go at something different eh mart thats probably the only job to give a tractor driver the greatest amount of satisfaction , a well ploughed field :) not leaving a big headland for yourself though ?
  3. all on the up for the time being then mark , good on you i say , i know you're a nice chap an all , but it's good to see someone willing to take the risk & gamble , unlike some , if you can get through the first year you're onto a good thing , i feel sorry for the people who cant get the first year done . i dare say john still has some of those brazil nuts he could offer you , i sure he & TT have sucked the chocolate off by now , after all christmas wasn't that long ago \
  4. blimey thats a narrow track width johnny , looks good though
  5. some nice pictures there paul , nice to see a farm not overcrowded with machinery , i take it a 590 or 690 will be kept back for light duties , bit of topping , grain drying ?
  6. a-hem...............er well i err yes but....well you know .........i think you'll find it was pritstik i lent you \ so your telling me you been applying glue to your lips everyday
  7. well i've just had another look & from looking at a 30 series at work yesterday , i don't think there's actually much different about the grill except for the light arangement, although having said that while unloading at a bin yesterday there was a JD 6810 hooked to a feed wagon & a 6830 with a dung spreader, the 6810 did look the better of the two
  8. brilliant ! just love the speed you do these convo's the chaos created & the finished article with the bad quality pic all suits this down to the ground, great little tractors , more the MF 135 nemisis than the dexta really good job mate
  9. nice picture there mark, nice to see the wether change for the better to actually get to take the picture ! now then Chessie ? now there's only two ways the the conversation went & i would imagine they'd sound some thing along the lines of M; now then i've asked your mother & brother & i've been told where to get off , so it has to be you C; me what ? M; to help me get the tractor & trailer ready for the road run C; you are joking ? M; nooooo it'll be great just me an you messing about for the day C; ok but there are conditions, it's got to be sunday so nobody can see me , i'm not wearing MF overalls & i need a few things from town & £200 should cover it ! M; done ! or C; hey dad why not you & me spend the day with the little red tractor & the trailer havent had much time to get it ready for the road run & i think that little tractor's lovely M;*THUD* oops sorry ches seemed to have fallen over just then ? (he says as he grabs his MF coat & mittens which are connected by a string running through the sleeves & skips down the path towards the car .............................)
  10. next time i go that way i'll see if i can find the farmer , unfortunately the trucks are now fitted with trackers , so cant stop & wonder off like i used to
  11. some nice pics there chap , soil look heavy going , certainly keep the cobwebs out
  12. a-ha................... i know where one is i passed it 4 times last week looks to be an elevator model as well
  13. well i just had another look & it still doesn't appeal to me , thats not saying the tractors rubbish , i speak as i find & of all the deere's i've driven , none have let me down & have performed well , yes sometimes better than a few massey's ive had to use ! but i suppose it's only a matter of time before a manufacturer actually fits a full mesh bonnet !
  14. MJB1

    rough ploughing

    i've left ploughing to be wintered, but never heard the term rough ploughed ,but if you have the right soil, a springtine cultivator or dutch harrows can get a decent seedbed in one pass.............................hark at me you young chaps probably use the new powerharrow drill combination contraption for one pass ;D ;D pah ! one pass indeed in my day we had to cover the ground 4 or 5 times to get a seedbed so fine it would cap after drilling then it required another pass with chain harrows to give the seed a chance to get through the crust \ yep then we'd roll it & at about 6-7 inches height a quick grazing of sheep would be the order of the day ! aah the good old days good old day my one pass aas! maybe if could have gotten away with one pass i wouldn't have back trouble like i do now does anyone put sheep on corn fields anymore ?
  15. MJB1

    M4 trailers

    any of you welsh guys have any of these , pass one right by the motorway but have never looked it up before http://www.m4trailers.co.uk/
  16. have to agree with than john , the 6400 i used to drive did just as much & more than the neighbours 6600 at the time
  17. well yours is the only opinion that counts on this thread so get it sawted jez , go jus 'ave a word me ole son Oi............... John Deere, new look bonnet...................NO !
  18. MJB1

    rough ploughing

    it would help if we knew what context the comment was made , after all i seen some absolutly terrible ground being ploughed & that was rough ploughing i've also seen a few pics of markys ploughing as well & that didn't look none to smooth either ;D ;D
  19. you're lucky , the non hgv esso ones don't let us fill that much in one hit that & esso very rarely give anything away i wanted to get tesco cards , i'd be well in on a clubcard or nectaar points , thats what the exeter BOCM drivers do !
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