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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Brilliant start!! I like this, a nice little project and some interesting tips you have given for how you have got to where you have.
  2. Jesus wept, Oliver! How big are those things!! Traci would go white as a sheet if she saw them, I'll admit to not being the bravest when it comes to 'tanks' but I can deal with smaller spiders. Traci though, she'd scream the house down quicker than deal with one. Patrick should have a rank, Mark. Stood to attention like that, I like the little white flick on his front. Don't see too many like that do you? Meanwhile, I turn my back for five minutes...... And back in January......
  3. Like Sean said, it depends where you are and what you want. If you simply want the best 1/32 scale scratchbuilt silage trailer then you will struggle to beat Ciaran's Dooley trailers on the afore mentiones link to perfect-32. If you want price first, Britains' Kane offering is hard to beat. Then the few European types for detail and price are worth a look. For price and something nice, scratchbuilt and carrying all but a few details then the links above to modelfarmer and threeoaks are again worth a look. I have a 10t AS grain trailer and a 14t AS silage trailer both built by Dan at Three Oaks. I am very pleased with both of them and they are also models of trailers I have used in real life. Dan has also done Bailey, Richard Western and Stewart silage trailers and even more are due. Another worthy mention is Andy Ingram who has a speciality for Stewart Trailers...... Superb. I don't own one but I've had a good look at one in my own dirty hands and they are very, very good models. On here his username is Big A.
  4. Now Paul...... That's the best reason I ever heard for attending anything! Roll on cake o'clock. Now, get back to that Fordson!
  5. Cutting oak today, boy was that a long job. Much of it was single split so filling the trailer was an arduous task! Took me ten hours in a 12hr day. A steak and a cider sorted out the energy levels though
  6. Ah I see, I think I'll leave these as maintenance free Dura-brite wheels but that tip may well be handy in the future
  7. Wow! That will be some display by the time you are done with it! I expect it will be a real head turner when it is done, no rush though.... Some things take a while to perfect. One thing a good display shows is time, as you have showed with your show pieces in the past.
  8. Very nice indeed. Not a common model, nor a common scale when you look through FTF so it is refreshing to see what you have done here. Will it be performing a winching task when on display?
  9. Keep'em coming thick and fast, Jason Nice images and I dare say some nice workshops some of this machinery is kept in too. Got to love that big 4960. Even that 4630 is a nice beast. There is a chap not too far from me who imports a few Minneapolis Molines and restores them for sale. Onle ever seen them from the road.
  10. Excellent, Mandy. Glad it was busy for you. Was thus the first trip for the van in its new work role?
  11. I love that baling photo. A pretty smart collection of ridging up photos too
  12. Getting popular all over now, Sean. It's a weight saving concept but quite often they are set behind some side skirts so as to give the look of a smooth 4x2 rather that a cluttered 6x2. Popular on bulkers and tankers and bulk powder tankers. I'll be fitting side skirts to this, either modify the originals or make some. Not one I drive, Paul or ever have but just something I fancied doing to be a bit different. Joe, what finish does it leave, just the original black plastic?
  13. Ford powered? Is it not an ocean polluter . . ... what with the oil leaks and so on!
  14. Had a scratch about in the garden this morning and put almost the rest of the plum slate down around the path edges. Took Zia down the river for a splash about, came home and watched the Grand Prix highlights/surfed ebay and now having tidied up our office room. . .. I have dug out a model a started and done a little more. Traci's doing the tea, pup is asleep . . . may get away with a little while longer up here yet! Sean.... not a drop of cider in the house
  15. Well done, Will. Quite the master stockman you are turning out to be! Can we see who you came third with? Congratulations to Sues number 1 son too. What a day for news like that, eh?!
  16. I am repling on my 'phone, Andy. I have not been able to reply in Blogs, use smiley's or Quote. Quote has worked if I 'open link' but not if I just click on the Quote tab, or Edit come to think of it.
  17. That's no good Damien, got to have some decent audio for a day in the cab. Is this your new drive then or just something for the day? Paul, smashing day and a pretty area. Whereabouts were you working?
  18. I take that is a 46t machine then, bud? How did The JCB BLOKE find the Volvo then?
  19. Lovely updates and probably one of the best for variety..... What a range of manufacturers and machinery to see around Cheshire. Love the Steiger, looks like that Knight wants everything the Strived can give it too!
  20. Did you get a certificate and a gold key or something like that? I visited the Waterloo factory with the three other guys in my harvest crew and watched a family do just that with a 6020 series tractor I think it was.
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