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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Martyns 7610 is a little tinker, isn't it?! I am liking that one a lot. Better rack my brain incase I have driven one because you know what that means!! Will you look for suitable implements to join each tractor, David? For example a nice conventional valet for said 7610?
  2. I like the photo looking into the sheep shed, Pete. It sets a nice scene.
  3. Nice couple of updates, mad when you think this topic began in 2005 mate! Those new bales look spot on.
  4. No work As much as I love it, while we are between seasons I thought I have a few weekends back to myself.
  5. No, we traded an HS2000 in for the new one, the 998 is for a new service. Never had a square bale wrapper before, he used to get another contractor in to do it. I'll be pestering Luke for tips as he is the 998 mastet for A&B.
  6. Started cutting next years wood today, albeit the contract cutting we do for another dealer. Been a long mild winter for the firewood this yeat but all eyes are on next winter and the silage/hay/straw work inbetween. New to the machinery line up this year is a brand new McHale HS2000 round bale wrapper, replacing a 50k tally machine. Oh and a brand new additional machine, a McHale 998 square bale wrapper due in the next fortnight
  7. If you have a Britains Merc Readymix lorry in the gold road series box or the white and orange Jeep with trailer set, let me know. May be interested in others too but they are top of the list for now
  8. Mmmmm, sounds dubious. ...
  9. Why were the front wheels disconnected from the four wheel braking? Anything to do with this problem in the past?
  10. Good to hear, Luke. WHEN I get back to the farm modelling it may be something I try out
  11. Got up at 8am enjoying a nice lay in, washing on, woodburner cleaned out, cooked breakfast cooked and eaten, washing up done and kitchen cleaned. Done a bit of training with Zia and now having a sit down before going off to Pets at Home to get a bigger dog crate and then heading off to puppy class Here's hoping for a slightly less hectic afternoon! What says you Zia?
  12. Pop a Wanted up in the Classifieds with a bit more info like preferred condition, which Challenger it is you are looking for and so on.
  13. Mandy that is a very tidy van, you got a steal there finding that with the milea so low. You just need the plate M132 HLT for it now...
  14. Welcome aboard, Michael. Have you seen the forthcoming releases from Universal Hobbies? Plenty of classic Masseys on their way much to you're satisfaction I would have thought. I will be getting pretty well all of them, part of my self employed work is for a tractor/machinery exporter. A lot of the tractors they export are Masseys and so the announcement from UH of the Masseys being released was very welcome news to me I hope we see some photos of your work and collection in the future. Regards, Tris
  15. Welcome aboard, Michael. Have you seen the forthcoming releases from Universal Hobbies? Plenty of classic Masseys on their way much to you're satisfaction I would have thought. I will be getting pretty well all of them, part of my self employed work is for a tractor/machinery exporter. A lot of the tractors they export are Masseys and so the announcement from UH of the Masseys being released was very welcome news to me I hope we see some photos of your work and collection in the future. Regards, Tris.b
  16. Oh my word....... The finest of finite models that's graced these pages for a very, very long time. You Sir, are a genius. A wizard. Can we (somewhen) have a photo of your scratch built collection? There have been quite a few now and if a varied amount if machines too. Oh to have the talent you have. Even just a but of would be nice!!
  17. What, "Thanks Babe"!! Hang on, nobody told me there would be cake there.......
  18. House next door to us has sold! Just hope the new residents arn't as anal as the current pair of weirdos. I hope also the residents don't try and herd horses up the stairs each night at 1am either... I don't know what it is this couple do but they seem to make a hugr amount of noise after 11pm which really winds me up!
  19. Outstanding photographs, they look so real in the natural surroundings. Stunning models too, the menacing look of the 1150 has been captured in small scale very, very well
  20. I like the line up of different age Fergies, Will. Nice trio of tractors there. Is the middle one a PDC kit one?
  21. The photo of the Maserati NH rolling up the indoor pit backwards is ace, mate! Nice building too bud
  22. I take it that this leaves the surfaces roughed up too, Luke? Idea for texture to add scenic scatter to maybe?
  23. Impressive building, Gav. How will it be clad/insulated and so on?
  24. Oh sod it, John. Hard luck mate. Tell you what, just pop this one in the post to me and I'll let you crack on with making the TX36. .. .. How's about that then? No?
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