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Everything posted by Deere-est

  1. Ace! Be great to see you with your stand there, Mandy. :) Roll on 2012 already!!! Gee thanks!! I was hoping you'd wedge your wallet in the hole to stop me falling out! Bloody BT engineers, all the same!! :laugh:
  2. I'll fall through the gap in the back of those chairs \
  3. He is an awesome builder, nice to see some new work from him, Bas. I don't think he has posted for a while here.
  4. Best hope he don't sneeze then, Barry!!
  5. They look so good with a bit of dust on them
  6. That wasn't a Veener .... that was einen stinky pantenhosen!! :laugh: :laugh:
  7. Sean like it as he has a favourable taste for the 'Special'. . ... A Veener. :laugh:
  8. Cooorrrrrrrrrrrr now that looks better 8)
  9. How many bales do you do as a company and how many do you do with your baler? It looks busy on the second photo!! Poor old digger, was the farmer trying to improve the drainage?
  10. I'll be Andys' glamorous assistant on Sunday, with Mark being absent he has lean't me his lippy and blusher for the day.
  11. Britains Bamford?! Piggeries, hill farms and equestrian holdings are probably the biggest users. The chaps I work for make 12,000 bales of hay to sell. All of this years is being delivered by me to west Wales. Why do you ask?
  12. Drawing nearer now, are you boys and girls looking forward to Toytrac?! I'm very much looking forward to getting down there on Sunday and picking up some ordered models Mr Capon has already sent me an MMS of one of two tractors which he is making me So, are you going? Do you have a shopping list?
  13. Nice to see a bubble cabbed big TW like that, finished it off well. The 15 will make a great little brother for it :)
  14. I take it someone in one of the former Russian states put a big order in!! >
  15. I love that big new Magnum with the huge snoopy bonnet on it. Looks like a beast of a machine. In contrast, going back to your 590, she's a straight looking tractor mate. Looks the part on the spreader
  16. I like the smaller diorama style too, Paul. It gives a nice way to photograph new models or even those that may be for sale. A good backdrop only serves to make the subject within it stand out that bit more. Hope my shelf dioramas look this good
  17. What about UH Claas Cougar wheels? Anyone tried those? I have to be honest, I havn't seen many loading shovels on flotations that actually look any good. Trelleborg style or the normal oversize, cleated type tyres just make the JCB's look like moon buggies or cheapo toys from a discount shop to me. The tyres the Britains 416 is shod on from new have been the best to date.
  18. Cut the rose bush back in the front garden, cut back next doors creeper which was finding its way under the roof tiles and around the guttering . Done some more plugging out of the mortar, just one bit left to do now but will wait for the bricky to catch up and move the scaffolding before I do that one evening this week. Have also been busy doing the feed barriers, roof panels and side cladding to Tims shed. Nearly done now
  19. There is one on ebay missing part of the crane and it has the wrong rear wheels, it is also suffering from a bit of 'middle sag'.
  20. Sit ups mate, that rowing.... :laugh: No help at all am I?! Is it worn pins or something that could be sleeved somehow?
  21. Maybe it speaks with sales in home markets with this size of tractor being sold with loaders? \
  22. Happy Birthday Pavlova Pullen!!! And get your nose out of that Rattler will you!!! See you at Toytrac. .. .. Erm. .. ... No I won't :laugh: :P
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