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Everything posted by civilpek

  1. couple updates on her, decided to keep existing hitch it was fine so not worth changing, put wider pads on it and more lights and a beacon just for good effect it might keep safety guys quiter. ssssssssh dont tell them ive no ticket yet though
  2. some people just like to complain id say on average we get the police called about twice a season most people living in the country are very understandable though but as they say theres always one Haha jakescot good story boy i can just picture the scene . its gone that way though before anything could go in the country now you must be a bit more tactile. i had a guy report me for speeding in a tractor along a 100km an hour road, i was doing 40km cops turned up and all i could do was laugh
  3. Nice pictures yet again Sascha ;D its good of you to risk your life to get us some pictures i guess he was just up tight and a bit paranoid with all that was going on with his neighbours and worried his design was being copied, understandable enough i think. I know plenty farmers who dont get on with their other heighbours some of which are farmers too, and i know a few who would probably get cranky if people turned up out of the blue taking photos especially with regard to all the farm inspectors, environment inspectors, tax men etc lurking around. during the summer we had the police called to us by a guy from the city who moved to the country because we were baling on a farm all night.(it was going to rain heavy and alot of ground was mowed) the police were very understanding and just called to keep him quite.
  4. ya they look nice, alot nicer then the fastracs
  5. thats a shame, the roof timbers too in our place are unbelievably good, and there was no such thing as damp proffing in them days. when we stripped all the plaster from the walls (plaster was only put on approx 30 years ago) we found where there were old doors, windows and fire places etc. all the lintels were timber and they are virtually immaculate. however the walls and such are starting to get a bit damp now in places but thats mainly due to the fact of the work thats going on i.e lowering of the floor, taking roof off etc. the original slates were replaced years ago with asbestos ones, but weve them all off now too. next step is to pour a ring beam around the top of to wall to raise it by a foot and a half to accomodate an upstairs. if the landlord there thought about it he could make a really great job of them turning them into cottages or whatever, its fairly straight forward work like
  6. Im actually doing up old farm buildings like this with my father at the moment, posted pictures up here somewhere before. its very interesting work really especially looking at how they were built and taking into account the fact that they are still virtually 100% structuraly sound, alot to be said for breadable building. sadly though alot of the sheds etc in our yard will be knocked to make way for "progress" :'(
  7. found this today while looking for something totally different http://www.agrimods.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=58&Itemid=43
  8. looking good, the hill is a nice touch to it
  9. plugs on my transformer, move the lead slightly and whatever is pluged in wont work
  10. thank lads, ive a pretty good idea what i need to get now
  11. i must def try to make this one, i was never at one before so its about time i got to one now
  12. ah thanks sean the uncle has all them ct mags so i must call over and route that one out, cheers
  13. thanks mark il email you in the morning just heading off now. i was saying discs too to him but he wasnt too pushed on that idea as discs or cultivation gear in general is not really that big around here (although saying that there is a fair bit around where he lives???), but it would still be interesting to see. as it is he has his mind set on the trailed harvester and is going asking a farmer near him if he could pick up one of the fields the day before the contractor comes in so that might be interesting if it comes about
  14. rite lads thanks, those pics would be interesting mark if you can get them. soil around me is quite claey in some places so it would be interesting. i said i was going to go into the spud side of things with my models but only ever got the harvesting gear so its about time i got the planting stuff now
  15. thanks Peter rite well that means i need to get a ridger next, after its ploughed can you go straight in with the ridger or do you have to powerharrow it first or anything? what if the earth is all lumpy or clayey how would ridging work out then?
  16. lovely conversion, a friend of mine has just bought a mf 1200 in real life, hes looking for something to go on the back of it now, hes thinking about an old single or double chop trailed harvester
  17. valtra 8550 and nc dump trailer a wrecked tw 25 and chieftain low loader a jcb rubber duck
  18. hi, what's the entire process in order of events for preparing ground for potatoe planting?
  19. wow all i can say is uve taken it to a whole new level!!!!!!!
  20. wow marcus must be really drunk in that one, cos i havent even been drinking lately and im blurry eyed looking at it!!!!!!!
  21. lovely pics, nice to see some mc's as the trator of choice too for a change
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