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Everything posted by Andy

  1. There was one sold at Wallis and Wallis last year, I think the picture is earlier in this topic, it went for £3000
  2. These were picked up at Spalding. Quite rare pieces to find in boxes. I am not 100% sure but I believe they were only available through OEM dealers. The Baler is larger scale than the combine.
  3. I think it proves there are still some about. I guess there many be several or dozens of old toy shops which have closed and old stock simply put into storage. Of which these kind of sets plus more are no doubt located.
  4. Well I mentioned in the latest purchase topic we had found something rather special. Here it is, Set 146F with first variation DDN's straight out of a toy shop and having only had minor repairs to box lid which we think was done pretty much when it arrived to the shop. Although far from being cheap, we think we got a bargain considering what the set represents
  5. A very special item found its way into our collection yesterday Pictures to come soon!
  6. Haha, she tells me shes cooking a special cake just for you Barry. I am sure there will be a nice selection for everyone else
  7. As Sean said, there will be an FTF stand there on the day I will be bringing some more FTF Britains sample models with me to offer on the day as part of a draw / raffle. Will also have the DBP models / Spalding MB Tracs for those who elected to collect at TT. And will be displaying two very nice looking siku sample models (Next Model Farmer Anniversary Tractor) + cakes I am sure!
  8. Tim, can confirm your order 090720-174830-1789 is on the system. Its paid for and just waiting on the other items to come into stock. Bill, your order 090720-085904-1567 is also there, but I will upload the book to the new shop so you can re-order and pay for it. Im not sure why it took so long for the book to get here but its worth waiting for I can assure you.
  9. I was discussing with a few people at Spalding that it is time FTF makes the trip to Zwolle.
  10. Thanks to those who popped along yesterday. Was a good day and nice to see some familar faces. Slightly fewer in attendance than usual at the show but it seemed to go down well. FTF was moved to the corner of the small hall where we had more space. FTF items seemed quite popular and of course we were distributing the DBP 390H to those who came to collect. We raffled off the FTF samples. All prizes bar one, were claimed. Will post the names up when I get back and find the list. I have a few images on the camera which I will upload later.
  11. UH certainly realise there is a huge market for british classics. The recent Nuffield announcement I think clarifies that they certainly wont be concentrating on just the main OEM's. I have no problem with UH producing all of these models but what disappoints me is the sheer production saturation each model achieves. I know everyone has their own collecting perceptions in terms of the reasons for buying models, but with me, I find it disappointing that a model such as the Doe, with incredible exclusive heritage can be marketed at £100+ on release but now, if your eyes are open, you will get change from £50 for one. I know UH will get their break even on it and possible profit regardless of the behaviour of the consumer market, but I feel they are not doing the hobby any favours by churning out one item after another before the dust has settled on the previous one. With production runs of several thousand per item, there is a huge amount of models coming into the market, far more than what's really needed in my opinion. The MF1200 will retail at £39.99, and I expect 50% will probably sell at that giving UH and distributers a nice tidy profit but then in 12 months time I would not bet against you being able to pick one up for £25 or less. Yes you have a great model on the shelf but I'd much rather buy a UH model (that has 50% less volume produced), pay £39.99 happily and 12 months down the line be staring at an item that sells on the market for £49.99+. It then does justice to the model, the collector, and the hobby. As has been mentioned about Corgi lorries, I predict that in the not too distant future, this UH production model will probably implode on itself. I think they are currently well supported by OEM dealer network purchases but inevitably, they will continue increasing the prices of the items to a point where the OEMs will either refuse the price, decrease the numbers ordered or will not order. They can still take their license cut anyway. This then leaves UH with a big fat warehouse full of big fat models that they cannot shift. UH direct outlet shopping, here we come!
  12. The model is only now available from the show unfortunately. There may be some available after however.
  13. Rieko, Invoices have been sent this morning to those who ordered in small quantities. For those who did express an interest in the show model and wont be attending spalding... A) You can collect at Toytrac if attending I can combine shipping of any other FTF item to save postage costs, please let me know though
  14. I think its a glass of the finest coca cola young Simon.
  15. Looks like it may be quieter this year. Well if anyone fancies it who is going, we can always have a trip to the Duke of York
  16. I will be there with the FTF stand once again. Slightly different place this time however to cater for what is looking likely to be a very busy day indeed! We have 4 tables in the small hall (top right hand corner as you walk in the main doors). 1 table we will have our usual display, slightly smaller this time. There will be a table with our DBP MF390H models all ready for collection by those attending We will also have a table set ready for those who pre-ordered the Spalding Show model. The final table and associated display cabinets will have various FTF models including usual sample prototypes and upcoming models! We will also have a small number of the upcoming FTF Britains Highway and Gun Metal models (Boxed) of which we will be offering 1 of each as prizes in the FTF Show Raffle. There may also be a finished example of the Ford 7000 and Cultivator set available. Come and say hello and hopefully we will see plenty of members about on the day!
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