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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Well we will soon be coming to the end of the Charity Auctions on eBay. The reponse has been great so far and thanks if anyone from FTF has kindly bid on any of the items. As you know, the totals will be added to the raffle money we collected at Toytrac. Although all candiates were extremely worthy, I think Cancer research is a particularly important cause. I am sure many of us have been effected in someway by this horrible word, whether it be involving family members, friends, or even yourselves. I personally have a particular fondness to this charity since several family members have had to endure this illness, and just last month, a close friend of mine (just 23) lost her battle with it. I have also read several topics on FTF over the years, right up until today involving forum member families that have suffered too and continue to be effected by it. Those who have donated to this fund should be proud of what they are contributing towards, and I offer a heartfelt personal thanks to you for aiding in FTF's donation.
  2. Well I was taken totally by suprise at how big this show is. I think think it sums it up by having a Roadless, MF135 and county parked up right next to the FTF stand. Some of you who cannot attend will be drooling Monday Morning!
  3. Is anyone from FTF attending the show this weekend at Newark Showground. For anyone who is interested in classic machinery, it really is a must attend! Its going to be a huge event, with many thousands of people expected. FTF will be there for the first time where we hope to attract a few new members. We are in building CR1, opposite SCALEdown models so feel free to say hello if you are planning to visit! I will have the camera with me so will try and get plenty of photos.
  4. James, there will be a link in this topic. Regards Andy
  5. Well as always Siku have been ultra efficient on the production of this model and it is due for delivery in the next 7 days. Therefore I am pleased to say it will be available to order from next Monday onwards
  6. Oh I tried that but the images would not re-focus. It was on a university system mind you. Will try again.
  7. Bill, I'm not a fan of the new book / page flip format. Image resolution is quite poor. Do you have a pdf version for us handy?
  8. Many of you will have seen the previews of the above models at Spalding and Toytrac recently. For those who have not, this topic will detail information on the models including images of both items. Model Farmer is an online magazine put together by several members on FTF. Our first model was the Ferguson TE20 last year, where as you know, there was a standard yellow version, and gold special edition. This year, for our second anniversary, we are launching two limited edition Valtras by Siku with many details added, not previously seen on the standard model. The grey metallic limited edition is limited to just 1250 units The bronze / copper special edition is limited to just 100 units. They will be both available to order from Mid November, with priority given to Magazine subscribers. If you have a query on the model, send me or Rick a PM, or email on info@modelfarmer.com
  9. I do have a list of those who bought the models. It is a shame but I guess you will always have this situation occuring. \
  10. The items are now listed. We will be donating to cancer research.
  11. Thanks to those who voted for their charity of choice. Thanks John, I have Pm'd you with the details. I am also going to add to the pot by auctioning off a set of the remaining Britains samples models on ebay so from tomorrow evening there will be a 7 day auction consisting of the Britains 5000 Gun Metal, Highway Tractor and Cultivator set. All proceeds will then go into the overall pot we attained from Toytrac and other recent donations.
  12. Interesting story that Bill. I'm going to be a bit controversial and say that I love drinking whiskey, but not whisky. Each year for the past 4 I have trailed the web for highly rated bourbons and treated myself to a festive tipple. Decided there probably better ones out there than just Jack Daniels. Blantons Special Reserve was last years, and very nice it was too!
  13. Well we have been discussing the dire state of the the current Britains / RC2 hitch for a few years now. Even on the FTF 7000 set with the cultivator, we showed it was pretty much unusable. It also seems to be the main source of many collector's bad feeling towards current Britains models. We were given hope that a new hitch would be developed to resolve this issues, and until now we were unsure as to whether this was simply wishful thininking or would actually be put into action! I am happy to report that I was sent a file this morning that shows the new "diecast" hitch working on a model. It certainly looks very encouraging and is hopefully what everyone has been waiting for. I will post updates as to its progress in this topic, as soon as I get anything. I'm sworn to secrecy on any other details at the moment but Craig felt I should at least give FTF'ers a firm glimmer of hope that a new hitch is well on its way and is a lot closer to being in production than people may have thought.
  14. There images are evidently first 1/4 releases only - with another 3 sets still be announced. We are told to not judge 2010 on these since naturally most are just rebadges for OEM's etc
  15. I'm not sure if they were area specific but had not seen one around me back home for years and years. Plenty of JD's and older Masseys....Obviously one had to pull out on me on the way back to university Tuesday Morning
  16. We are all entitled to opinions on the forum as long as topics are kept to their subjects. If someone does not like an item, they are free to air their view, likewise if they love an item, they can praise it all they wish. I dont want to see any he said / she said tennis though!
  17. I think Dad had an unboxed one with the PTO shaft but sold it at Spalding a few years back before really knowing what it was. :'(
  18. James, This is a model produced by Siku for Model Farmer Magazine following on from the yellow fergie from last year. I will post up more details very soon but it is set to be available Very late this / early next year.
  19. Probably should be in what made you sad today , but said goodbye to a close friend this afternoon. Really surreal when its someone so young. Certainly puts everything into perspective!
  20. Very nice, and really intuitive. Good to see ROS / IM offering what collectors want!
  21. Well after a long trip back, finally got home around 10.30pm last night, albeit after a stop at Tob Carvery All in all, was a good day. Plenty of familar faces, and plenty of new ones too, most of whom will soon be new members on here after we took names and details on the FTF stall. Thanks to everyone who helped out and took time behind the FTF stall, you all did a great job. We seemed to be out of the way a bit up there but there was a certainly a nice cosy social feel to being upstairs. There was some great feedback on the displays, I think it made the show (you will see with all the pictures) and I will be asking the Spalding Organisers to take some consideration from that for Spring . Great to see so many young ones faces light up, as well as the older ones too! Well done to those who won the Britains sample model prizes on the FTF raffle. Big thanks to (Aunty)Jo and Crazy Kev for helping us out on that. We raised around £70 for charity of which Jo will talk about later on. Despite the current crop of Britains models, there appeared to be good feedback on our FTF Britains models. The weathered 7000 especially caught the imaginations of many. Hopefully those who put their names down yesterday will soon be fully fledged FTF'ers, so lets all make them feel welcome. Same again next year...Toytrac 09, well and truly FTF stamped
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