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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. I'll really annoy you now, I was given the whole lot, full set of pre-force and post-force ones
  2. On the subject of cars and tractors, there is no law relating to the number of cars behind you, you could have 100 cars behind you and still not be prosecuted.........however if you had 100 cars behind you and had gone past a safe lay-by in which you could have pulled over and didn't then you can be prosecuted for inconsiderate driving. If you pull over in a junction its classed as obstruction of the public highway so that's another offence, if you pull over on the verge, who's to say it isn't soft enough to get bogged or that there isn't something tyre puncturingly nasty lurking in it, pulling over in someones driveway is tresspass as its private property so you're really stuck with lay-bys and some of them just aren't big enough to pull into or safe enough where they are near corners. Size of lay-bys is a big problem these days as they often aren't long enough or wide enough to get off the road safely in, especially with something like a combine or terragator. There was a motor cyclist killed here several months back when he slammed into the side of a Fastrac pulling out of a lay-by after letting cars past, of course the family blame the driver of it (a family friend with years of experience) as he didn't have his beacon on not the motor cyclists fault for massively exceeding the speed limit so he couldn't stop in time. Nigel had checked for traffic and saw nothing, even witnesses agree with him, and beacons are not a legal requirement on a Fastrac. The lay-by is just round a corner and the family now want it closed, there have been no other accidents in that location and its the only place to pull over safely on a stretch of road lasting approx 6 miles so surely if they closed it more accidents may be caused through impatience
  3. Thing is Tris he thinks I mean that little single bed one......I'm using a 3 bed one on carrot beds next week, that should do the trick :D
  4. Your 6400 isn't brand new though is it : Once they have been worn in a bit its a different story
  5. Would have been ok doing it pulling your Bailey's Mark, do you know a farmer with a two leg subsoiler sitting about as that would do the job a treat?
  6. Running it in? Drive it hard, as if it were your most hated tractor, if you treat it gently the bores will glaze up and it will never pull. We had a new McCormick spud carting last autumn and thrashed the nuts off it, done it he world of good
  7. Being given a day off tomorrow, last lot of spud headlands aren't going to be ready for me to thrash to oblivion ;D
  8. Often some good cheap Britax ones on a certain well known auction site as well Marky
  9. If it isn't bolted down he'd try to sell it.......never stand still too long if you go to see him :o :D :D
  10. Oh dear Texas.....Mike (Sparrow Legs) posted the pictures, not Marky :D
  11. Looking smart Marky, just pop it up here and we'll run it in on the bed tiller for you.....it has the CVX on its knees at times and thats 190hp so it ought to do the job ;D As for the twin beacon argument, well two is better than one, especially if you will be travelling on the A14 with it, in fact never mind twin beacons, take them both off and fit a light bar to the roof :D If there's anyway of making it more visible then its worth a little extra, wouldn't bother with the extra work lights though as its spending money when you don't need to, could be better put to use on a match plough
  12. Just a couple of before and after pics for you today, along with one of the dash layout. This is a very cloddy field so meant some slow going, speed is in the bottom left of the dash, pto speed in the middle at the bottom and time on the right. Before After Dash
  13. No-where near as complicated as they look, once that you have spent an hour or two operating one it becomes second nature. I have two niggles with them, 1. The pto doesn't stop quick enough when you disengage it.....and 2. The cab is too small on them
  14. One from a source up near their farm near Newark.....bit of overkill on the planter with a CVX195 :D
  15. The cab layout, arm rest controls for forward/reverse, cruise control, transmission speed settings, spool valves, 3 point linkage and throttle. Switches behind for the PTO and hitching control The transmission speed settings for each range. 3 ranges in the transmission and two settings, C for totally variable and M for manual whereby you can select the speed as you would with a powershift gearbox, the tillers work better in M setting. Speeds are in KPH, currently in M1 with a top speed of 2.96 kph programmed in
  16. My new tractor, an 06 plate CVX1190, so much better than the MXM was, variable transmission makes the rotor ridging much easier
  17. Damned planter operators :D
  18. Have another 185 acres to plant yet Colm, not good land either now, will be two of us on tillers.....got another tractor now so it should be easier for me, the MXM has gone and has been replaced with a CVX1190 until the new one is ready. Its a Kongskilde cultivator on the JD Not sure on the harvest yet Luke, long way off so don't know what I'll be doing at that time yet
  19. Now that is a joke Marky, Simon and the word clever just don't go together very well :D :D
  20. Hope the agronomist doesn't mess up and put down a recommendation for a herbicide to control grass weeds :D :D
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