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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Today i have been to Ely to Standen's again armed with a tape measure and camera then on to have lunch with my mate Marky "Loreal" Ferguson
  2. Should get full details on all these releases sometime in January Joe
  3. Issue 2 is due about the 6th of December is what I was told
  4. Well I think that pleasure belongs to the man who mentioned it first and sent the link of the picture to me
  5. The parts to make up 12 beet harvesters and 20 root trailers, a big can of silicone, 10 kg of liquid resin, several ploughs and a box of masters and molds to send back to someone Think thats most of it.....oh I believe that there are also some pictures for a new project on there too :D
  6. Seriously, I've seen a picture of it
  7. Nice pictures Sascha, think you will find that it is Celeriac and not Celery being harvested if it's for the roots
  8. Been out delivering oil again today, done 4 local drops then had to run all the way down to London with two 205l drums of Gas Oil and bring 9 empties back with me.......I HATE LONDON!! Left the yard at 9am and got back at 5pm, can do without too many days like today \
  9. There's fields around this way that have been set aside for years, one over 10 years, that have now been ploughed up and drilled, makes the country side look managed and tidy again in my opinion
  10. I was informed that this should be going on general release in 2008
  11. If I was being picky I'd give you one for getting their name wrong as well :D
  12. Took you long enough to get the pictures up here after telling me about them They look much better
  13. Gav836

    new tractors!!!

    I have to admit that the newer shaped tractors don't appeal to me as much as the ones of the 80's and early 90's when I was growing up. If you compare the 10 series Fords to their latest T series models, which one has more character to it? the same applies to the 50 series and new 30 series JD's, MF's and all the other manufacturers. In the 10 years that I have been working with them the rate of change has been phenominal, just look at the then new Valmet 8200 which was the first new tractor I drove, then its modern day T series equivelent bristling with all the electronics as an example, yes they make life more comfortable, but which one was the greatest pleasure to drive?
  14. Now that is amusing, I bet that caused much leg pulling at the station :D You decided to remove the bit about driving tractors on the road while you're under age then Rich.....hope you don't get involved in an accident as the insurance wouldn't cover you
  15. Today I have been delivering oil again, out near Gt Yarmouth then back towards Kings Lynn, problem is now the engine is rattling on the van so we've taken it off the road untill it can go into the dealers on tuesday \
  16. Looks a nice machine Alan, the first 360 I ever used was a Hitachi 120 with a q-hitch, lovely thing to use. have to say i am very rusty on them now though as its been 7 years since I last got on one. She should do you well, the 200LC that this guy had done 12000hrs before she needed any major attention
  17. Various tractors/trailers but he real biggy was a Grimme Maxtron beet harvester, first one i've seen in the wild so to speak, just couldn't get to it with the works truck to look closer
  18. I'm driving an 05' VW LT35 truck with a tail lift on it delivering lubricating oil and grease to customers in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and slightly further afield at times. Today it was 5 205l drums of hydraulic oil, 1 grease keg, 2 25l cans and a 5l can. I have seen some food industry oil in the warehouse but for the most part it is industrial/agricultural oils. I can only drive the 3.5t VW at the min as I haven't passed my test for a 7.5 tonner \
  19. Not yet as far as I know but hold that thought :D I shall eagerly be awaiting the courier next week :D :D
  20. Nothing doing on the farm so this relief driving job came up for a few days a week so I took it, base is less than a mile from my door
  21. Today I have been out delivering barrels of oil near Norwich then on to Thetford and Bury St Edmonds, nice little job, could get used to it
  22. I was told they are on Decembers shipping manifest so should be with us before Christmas
  23. Gav836

    Opinons wanted

    Tractors like the Magnum aren't really thought of as carting/trailer work but more as heavy draught work tractors so I guess they see no need to fit a PUH to them, just a big heavy drawbar which is much more suited to pulling discs etc as you can turn tighter on a drawbar than a hook.
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