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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. I'd only do that to it if it was a JD :D
  2. Nice pics Jason, would have loved to hear the noise coming from that beastie
  3. It is indeed, something that is perculiar to these tractors, don't know why they were made like that \
  4. Cheers Simon. You ought to have seen it when it was scrapping with 50-60% wheel slip, that was impossible to hold straight :D
  5. Yesterday and today I have been pulling up stubbles with the Solo and Ford 8770, its a good load for the tractor on the heavy clay soils on this farm and came very close to needing a chain just after lunch today when the tractor dropped in due to how hard the Solo was pulling, tried to lift the Solo out but the wheels went down into the mud and tipped it over at 45 degrees sideways, much shunting backwards and forwards later it did claw its way out Here's some pictures from today, none of the mud related incident though :D
  6. Yeah, I had the 8870 directly onto the combine and the other lad had the TSA chained to the front of me, the only problem came when changing through the gears as the powershift isn't as quick on the TSA as the 70 series so it came close to gettiting its rear end rearranged due to a short chain between us :D Just a little, bits of fields are getting left and you wouldn't want to drive crossways to the combine due to the depth of the wheelings. I'm having a hell of a job to find level ground in fields to stack bales on at the minute \
  7. Been a while since I took any pics for you guys but I thought a few of my first job this morning might interest you Boss got it in last night so gave up, we soon had it out with the 8870 and TS135A on the chains, no damage to the combine either
  8. I think I could well be.......and no it isn't about Barry's weight and dietry requirements either :D
  9. Funny but I thought it was tom cats that got neutered and female cats got spayed........hmmmmmmm
  10. I have a good way of dealing with drivers that won't pull over for me, it's a finally honed practice from 5 years of driving a combine on the road. I keep a flask or a bottle of drink down beside the seat (along with some sort of iron bar/spanner/hammer just in case it turns nasty) and when they wont go backwards I knock it into neutral pour myself a drink and just sit there until they decide that they will move, works a treat everytime, it has also been known for me to keep edging the combine forward as it was hydrostatic until it's inches off their bonnet there is just no way that I would attempt to back a machine that size towing the header on a road, it isn't safe to do so as there is no way of warning any following traffic what I'm about to do and even with a reversing camera it's hard to see what the header is doing \
  11. If it's like the one I bought William then it may not be a big help to you (I bought one for the same reason), maybe Tim can let us know if it has or not
  12. Gav836

    krone tedder

    I can't see the pictures either for some reason at the minute
  13. Just a little bit of lateral thinking, always on the look out for things like that I'll keep making them until they stop selling, the little 2 stack mold couldn't keep up with demand at the minute so needed to upgrade
  14. Well I've been painting beet harvester bits and been into town with Mum, (likes my new truck with a open back which she finds ideal for larger purchases ) Have also made a new mold for the flat 8 bales as the existing one wasn't big enough to cast them quick enough....its currently cooling down as its too hot to handle after pushing 5 batches through in 90 mins :D (its also what the baking trays were for )
  15. Brought it up a few weeks ago here William, there will only be limited numbers of the 1/32 classics available in September as usual though UH haven't said September in which year, could be a long wait if they are true to form :D http://www.farmtoysforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=16595.0
  16. What ever you use make sure it doesn't way in too heavy :D
  17. Mixing pigments at the minute as the green pigment available is way off the colour needed
  18. Nice pics Joe. The Bamford is actually a Laverda as they were the company who started to bring them into the country
  19. I keep trying Jason but I can't get the right shade of green yet :'(
  20. I've been casting again They make quite a good stack when you put them together
  21. Someones a quick mover, click on the link and I see someone has got there before me, no idea who though
  22. I'm no great expert but I have baled stuff with less dust in it than that in the past month for haylage at a local livery yard As if I'd give you a numpty anyway
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