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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Try F-P for a couple of barrels, if my memory serves me correct he cast some a while back
  2. He's at it again......... :o :o :o :o :o :o http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/OBSOLETE-Britains-Claas-Jaguar-690-Kemper-Crop-Head_W0QQitemZ300074715221QQihZ020QQcategoryZ117196QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem I paid ?12.50 for a mib one of them 2 months ago his whole shop makes interesting reading again though :o http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Davids-Model-Shop_Britains-Farm-Models_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZ1QQfsubZ3QQftidZ2QQpZ2QQtZkm
  3. Gav836

    Doe 130

    Knowing who's selling it, it will be up for top money John \
  4. Gav836

    Doe 130

    Now if I felt like a few hours out somewhere I'd be tempted to go and have a look at that beasty
  5. Now let me guess you mean series 3 Land Rover, just gotta love Landies if thats the case, always got to do something to throw a spanner in the works haven't they \
  6. :o :o :o http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Britains-Farm-Animal-Collection_W0QQitemZ110083000347QQihZ001QQcategoryZ117196QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem are they gold plated : :D
  7. spent most of today driving our JCB Farm Master 416s loading 3 of our spreaders up, think we done nearly 500 tons today. Spent a couple of hours this afternoon on a spreader just to make a change :) :)
  8. At some point it will have a hopper fitted, depends what people want. I know the chap at Opico wants one with a hopper on it
  9. Thanks, just got the legs to sort out now. This one is based on the Opico/He-Va 3m/5 leg model Sold
  10. good guess, your prize is the chance to be the owner of one of the finished models :D
  11. Been working on this for the last couple of hours, in the words of Rolf Harris "Can you tell what it is yet?" :D
  12. Thanks Ricky, I was thinking the same thing, its high enough on the UH Claas i have but the Fendt linkage doesn't lift it so high, soon cure that one though :D
  13. thanks Colm, i'm hoping it all goes ok now, things actually seem to be going my way for once, it'll never last \ :D
  14. Thanks guys, also been working on this one in the past 20mins for a member on here, wanted it to be able to fit on the Uh Fendt front linkage or similar so with 3 short bits of plastruct here you go
  15. I've also been experimenting with colours on the round hoppered models to see what works best on them
  16. Managed to get the first one of the square models finished today, not 100% happy with it yet but it isn't far off finished
  17. Thats the first machine going to be produced Sean, think i may have already said earlier in this topic that the Opico guys themselves have asked me to build a 3m/5 leg subsoiler model for them
  18. Thats what i was told as well but the last two i've seen on farms have had an air seeder fitted and stack as they fold, makes it easier for me to make with vertical folding anyway
  19. Wrong! But it'll do for a start :D :D
  20. The other one i'm working on is a square hopper model John, its a job to keep track of who makes these things at times. My one is lbased on the C-Dax model
  21. Cheers Tris, can't give up the day job yet although it does need to be changed asap \ Hope to get a few more out ideas out soon, just finding the time at the minute
  22. Thanks Tris, the upside down thing is actually a fresh from the mould seeder hopper but there is another variant of the slug pelleter on the way with a squarer hopper on it, pics later. Thanks Will. They can be fitted to anything that you want them to be basically as they only need a small flat area to stand on See what you think to the version 2 as well Mike as that seems to look better on a quad bike
  23. That looks good, definately be one coming this way, maybe 2, i have a plan..........................
  24. Just a few light injuries i believe Mike but not 100% sure, the marquees and sheds were out of bounds by 1pm today
  25. Knocked this up quickly last night and made a mould of it. Had a couple of people ask me for a slug pellet aplicator for quad bikes and the like so i finally got round to it
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