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Posts posted by Gav836

  1. very true tris given they usally dont finish the roads of till last,near as all covers are raised then some by to much,damaged the exhaust on my car at my old deers place when they were bing done,on a cover that was high

    Same in my town here, one housing estate that was started 10+ years ago still has raised manhole covers on all the roads, like a slalom course if anyone has to go down there

  2. Think there may be a few sub-surface flag stones now too!!! None repairable Marky I am afraid. Got a gert kink in it just where the bar spits in two on the drivers side. May just salvage the LED's, bin the bar and get some grill infill lights. New to me but saw tham at Truckfest and they look pukka!! Shame though, the LoBar is my favourite of the lot.

    Isn't that always the way though, the best bits are the ones that get damaged if any, sods law

  3. This actually happened yesterday.

    Moving cattle from a small field to another. One ba**ard tried everything not to come out of the field including turning everywhere on my father and trying to get under the twine he was using. Then when they were out going down to the yard into the crush he decided to turn again. I stopped him but then he decided to jump a twine run around the yard jump another twine - Jump over a gate and bend it in bits and then he and the rest of them ran faster than me down the lane. Had to run across a 4 acre grass field jump a ditch and then run through a 20 acre field of spring barley and then to realise that they were in the neighbour's field after he left his gate open and were up on the ditch at the bottom. Luckily Dad got them back up and we put them into the field.  >:( >:(

    Thank God for mobile phones is all I have to say.

    And people always ask me why i stick to working on arable farms  ;D:D :D :D;)

  4. When i found out how heavy it was i told the chap in charge of the irrigators that we should stop watering now ;D It shouldn't be too bad its on tracks at the back :-[???;D( do you think if i keep saying it will be ok i will start to belive it?)

    Tried that in the past myself, if i say it won't get stuck enough it won't happen, got about a 10% success rate so far  :D :D ;)

  5. Lets hope the boss doesn't see your idea for a sleepcab as he will love that idea cause i'm sure as it is he works on a 28hour day ;D ;D

    I agree with you about leaving stubble i used to hate doing that too, i was tauch to treat combining as the 1st cultivation cause is you don't do a good tidy job cultivation is not so easy we always try to think of the next operation

    Thats too right, Claas headers are terrible for taking in tall crops, the worst year i had was 2 years ago when there was a lot of charlock in the rape, the stubble was 2 feet long in places and all had to be disced a couple of times to chop it up for the plough. The boss annoys me if he takes over at anytime because if he stops for any reason he sits atill and you get a massive pile of chopped straw, doesn't take a genious to work out if you back it up it ploughs in easier, especially when i plough just over half our 3600 acres

  6. He is more than welcome to make me a model of the potato harvester. Will also be an entertaining potato harvest this year with the ploeger 4m wide can't remember how long but it weighs 25 tonne empty and the tank holds 12 tonne :P

    Better hope for a dry potato season then or you could need a good winch on the field headland with all that weight there  :D :D ;)

  7. Sounds like you need to be asking if there is a sleeper cab option on the STS combine then  ::):D :D

    The extensions are the dogs bo*****s ;Dyou can rake the crop in with out worrying about shedding as it falls on the header ;D i used 1 last year at my last jod on the cts

    Yeah i've had a vario header on a demo 4/580 in the past, i hate having to leave 18 inch stubble just to get it to feed in the combine on tall crops of rape and shattering pods on it and the beans  >:(

  8. Looks a good set up to me, my boss won't even try a John Deere combune on demo for some reason. Bet that rape extension is handy as its a bugger to get into standard headers like the one on my Lexion >:(

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