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Posts posted by Gav836

  1. Why is it every goverment slowing hating farming, they all need food is it they just want to cut there nose off despite there face ???

    Anyway mine for the day a customer having a go at me for not having a product in stock, i just turned around and said "sorry madam but if you want to do my job for me your more then welcome as your the third today to complain and it's not my fault and theres nothing i can do so live with it" :D :D

    And you still have a job to go back to tomorrow?  ::):D :D

  2. I never realised they were so technical, I thought it was just like a scaled up hosepipe!!!

    Neither did i until i got near this one a couple of years ago, or how awkward they could be for that matter, hence the irritator nickname >:( >:(>:(

  3. Good gavin you never learn do you

    OT but oh well :D :D

    I learnt all right, when you're setting up this lot in the heat with 2 workmates there gets a point in the day when if there's a pub within 1 mile you need to seek it out and charge it to the bossman. Nothing like a nice cold pint on a hot day to quench your thirst  ;D:D :D :D;)

  4. I'm only joking mate...... ;)

    It is a nice wee tractor and I wouldn't complain if someone gave me one......Does look funny with 2wd though...... :);)

    Just think if someone gave you one free Martin you could sell it and just about be able to buy your TW-15 or 8210 with the proceeds, might just make enough  ;D::) ::):D :D :D

    Nice picture anyway!

  5. Cheers for the info Gavin......I was just away to ask how the pump was as I remember your one had had some problems......

    Problems aren't in it! All the control guages were nicked, the battery and they had been taking pot shots at the diesel tank with an air rifle, good job it didn't puncture as there would have been 200 litres of diesel in the river!

  6. What tractor is that you have it on Gavin??

    It's on the Fiat F140 which has finished all other duties so will stay with the irrigator until the end of the season now

    An interesting topic this Gavin...... :)

    A question I've always wondered about irrigation is that:-

    Is it the motor which pumps the water from the burn/stream to the drum the same motor which pumps the water to the gun or does the drum do that separately?

    Its the same pump, the reel has no pump on it just a turbine and gearbox. I didn't go down to our pump so i have no pictures of it. We have one on loan (soon to be 2) this year as the pikeys nicked anything of any value off the old one >:(

  7. ........which slots into this female end with seal and retaining notch in theory, doesn't always work to well and they have been known to blow apart once water pressure builds up  >:(


  8. Water pressure is up at 12 bar while we are operating the drum so if you get a pipe blow you soon know about it! This pic shows the flexi pipe connection between the aluminium pipes and the filter on the reel


  9. close up of the gearbox and turbine housing on the side. The water drives the turbine which operates the gearbox which in turn pulls in the pipe, we can alter it to put anything from a few mm on to a few inches


  10. One of the reel now which is a Wright Rain Touraine 2 110/420, 11o being the pipe diameter in mm and 420 being the length of pipe on the reel in metres, today's pull was about 390m long and will take about 16hrs to pull in while putting 1 inch of water on


  11. Had to help set up our irrigator today which actually decided to work properly first time for once, small miracle  ;D

    First picture is looking out the back window of the tractor whilst pulling the gun out at a nice steady 1kph so we don't overheat the gearbox on the reel


  12. nice pics ,that jq looks like its got a big satalite dish on top of it ,why do they have them like that and not with the opening version we have?

    I would imagine its so they can get more in a tank than we can due to the bigger fields involved over the pond, may be wrong though.......

  13. Sorry as well Mart but the first trailer has completely different axles and chassis to the one with silage sides, you can tell the chassis is different just by looking at the back of the trailer, it finishes level on the 2nd one but is underneath on the first  :-\

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