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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. Oh boy, can see a few of those 7810's coming this way, one of my favourite Ford tractors to drive and the one that I passed my test on at 16, been waiting a long while for a mainstream manufacture to produce one of these :)
  2. Getting the calving boxes and maternity box ready at work this morning then having a talk on calving practices and problems as well as injecting cattle by one of our vets this afternoon
  3. The best way to size trailers now is on cubic capacity, thats why different manufacturers 12 ton trailers will carry different amounts of weight hence why there is also a weight carrying difference between a manufacturers 12 ton grain and 12 ton root trailer
  4. Sorry to hear about Penny Marcus, taking Buster to work with me in the tractor everyday I know what its like to have a permanent shadow there with you and how strange it feels when they aren't there with you. At least you have 11 years of good memories and pictures to remember her by
  5. My mate has an ST, he absolutely loves it, had a Astra VXR before that which was a pile of crap in comparison. How he hasn't been caught speeding yet I don't know ;D
  6. To get it right you would have to shorten the bonnet as well, the 7610 is a 4 cylinder turbo compared to the straight 6 cylinder in the 7810
  7. Thats good news Ben that he seems a bit better, at least he is now recieving treatment for it before it got any worse. From personal experience I know how bad pneumonia can make you feel when you have it.
  8. We could not use a tractor and loader in our sheds anymore, our current 526s is on smaller than standard wheels to allow it to fit under the beams in our cattle buildings. A tractor would certainly be far too tall and not manouverable enough to muck them out. The tele-handler clocks up more hours than any other machine on the farm during the late autumn and winter when the cattle are indoors. Even with a lot of our field work it would be more time consuming with a tractor and loader due to the reach we need with a lot of what we do. Tractors and loaders definately have their place on a lot of farms but our system just doesn't suit one. I have spent several hours on a MC135 with a Quicke Q75 loader and could do jobs just as quick with it but it was just a tiny bit unstable when loading trailers, its a big loader for that tractor
  9. Been ploughing down by the sea today after the dealer had finished repairing my tractor again.....4 new spool valve couplings and the 3rd panard rod on the front suspension within 18 months Sea was rough and even heard the flood sirens go off at midday. Finished soon after due to a pipe bursting on the plough Now sitting in front of a lovely roaring fire (no not the 6920s ) with a mug of tea
  10. I'm sure Geoff (remember he is a member on here) or Peter will fill us all in with the details as they are available Its never a good idea to spread or comment on rumours on someones business as it can cause grief to all those concerned
  11. Struggled my way into work this morning before going to the doctors, yet another chest infection supposed to take it easy but I was too stubborn and went back to work thinking nice easy day ploughing till 4pm..........was ok till I turned into the yeard at 4pm to be greeted by free range store cattle that had managed to undo the gates on their yard > could do without chasing them about in freezing temperatures when I can hardly breath as it is
  12. Cheers mate but I think I'll have to make the boss come up and escort me back even if it is a bit pointless on the rest of the A16, A17, A47 and the A148, all are nice and wide. I'm not risking points on my licence for anyone
  13. Will be picking it up from Sibsey Northlands so not too far the other side of Boston
  14. Thats what I thought Mike, I more or less had an idea that I should have an escort as it's getting close to 10'6-11' wide I think, will have to measure our old one and check for certain though as I don't want to take any chances coming that sort of distance with it \
  15. I've actually had to check the legal side of things for us to haul it that distance on red diesel, we all know what VOSA and HMRC are like for pulling vehicles but it is all above board by the looks of things so I'll have a nice day out
  16. To get it on a lorry you need to move the right hand side of the axle in to narrow it up, have been told by our dealer that it will go on a lorry with a little work, I don't think they want the hassle though to be honest which is understandable
  17. That is on the Boston Bypass unfortunately, 2/3 lanes in places and I'll take up 1.5 of them. Taking the 6920s does concern me slightly on those grounds but we'll see
  18. We've bought the potato harvester that we went to look at earlier in the week, one snag though, I've got to go and pick it up as its too big to fit on their lorry apparently (cop out excuse in my opinion!!), its only about 150 mile round trip unfortunately I won't have an escort to get it through Boston which concerns me slightly \
  19. Try doing the course 4 times.......its annoying when you get put through the course and then the powers that be don't put you through the test If you think the PA2 course is exciting try the PA4 one ;D
  20. Been on a PA2 spraying course today in readiness for when the boss is out of action in February and March.......just need to pass the test now, unfortunately the new sprayer isn't being delivered until the end of February
  21. We'll see Sean, Claas would always be my favourite no matter what but would certainly try others out. Just have to see what happens as in many ways we aren't keen to change a tractor thats only done 4500hrs, its the reliability which may force our hand
  22. Never!!!!!!!! No more new John Deere tractors will come onto the fleet after the 6920s, there's too many horror stories locally, particularly relating to the 7530. It will be a Claas, MF or Case/NH when we change it
  23. Thats exactly what we want to know, the old one burnt itself out baling harvest time, dealer came out and fitted a new one taking about 60 mins, bill was just short of £900. Thats one of the more shocking bills for the tractor since last April
  24. I think that will be one that we will try on demo Marky...........I wonder if it costs £900 to have an alternator changed on a Massey
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