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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. A couple of pictures of how the Saturna fields look at the minute, these are the first and second fields that we planted, lots of top on them and the first field is in full flower
  2. Have you considered getting a tube of the puncture repair liquid and squeezing in the tyres on it Martin? Used it on a plough in the past and someones bike and it does work
  3. If you done that for the person I work for and some others I know you wouldn't last very long, in fact a lot of employers would be the same, they pay your wages after all
  4. Good machines Tris, I had a season on one, can get along fairly with the right tractor on the front of it. Knotters can give a bit of trouble though, need to check them for little cut offs of string getting jammed in the workings regularly, fairly trouble free other than that, mine was a 2003 model
  5. Thats what I thought until I started doing it, its the re-programing of the computer thats the complicated bit :D They've long since had all of their N Ol, some before planting then a little just after they were through before the first irrigation pass
  6. Irrigation then a forklift refresher course as my certificate had expired then onto more irrigation. Yesterday it was an emergency first aid course, hopefully something I'll never need
  7. We do (short of sky hooks can't think of another way of moving 9m long pipes about :D) Will see what I can do, its nothing special just a heavily modified ferguson trailer, got to have it into the workshop to weld it up anyway. This is why we keep the back window shut when pulling a gun out, done this most of the way down the field on one pull today
  8. Glad I could help unravel a mystery The pull speed doesn't alter as, in our case, its set to retract at 42m/hr so regardless of how many wraps are on the drum the computer will control everything to make sure that the application rate stays at 15 mm or 18mm of water depending on which reel it is
  9. Heres a few pictures of the pump set up Pipes and pressure regulating set up, underground pump so not much to see of that Pump control panel Pump control panel lights, yellow one means its running, any red ones and the fun begins This is whats called a Murphy Guage, its what controls the pump and will cut the pump out if there is a problem or when the gun has pulled in to the irrigator. The left had needle is the low pressure cut out at 6 Bar so in the event of a blow out the pump cuts off. Right hand needle is the high pressure cut out set at 14 Bar so if needle hits that when the gun pulls in the pump switches off. Middle needle is the operating pressure
  10. 7. Once pulled out go back to the irrigator and put it back into gear 8. Connect tap and pipe between irrigator and pipe valve 9. Press the pre-irrigation button so the gun doesn't start to pull in until the headland the other end of the field has had 15 mins of water Computer now shows start and finish time. 10. Turn tap on then hope the irrigator starts working.......50/50 chance as the pump often cuts out, Usually involves frequent trips back to the yard and to the other irrigator before it decides to run!
  11. As requested here's a step by step of setting up a pull with the irrigator. 1. Irrigator is dragged along the headland from the previous run once legs are lifted and pipe disconnected. We use a bar on the liftarms for this as its quicker than lifting the stand everytime. 2. Put down the legs on the irrigator once its inline with the tramline 3. Take irrigator off tractor then take the irrigator out of gear 4. Press the Start button 5. Move the tractor round and hook the bar on the liftarms under the lug on the gun 6. Start pulling the gun across to field and stop when about 30m off the other end
  12. With the exception of potatoes then yes it would be, we are now switching potatoes to once in seven years though to try and combat a disease called potato cyst nematode which destroys the yield although we've had to hire land off the neighbour to make it work
  13. We have a few rotations on the farm that I work on due to the differing soil types, crops we grow and the suckling herd. 1) Sugarbeet, Spring Barley, Winter Barley, Stubble Turnips/Forage Rape, Potatoes, Winter Wheat, Sugarbeet 2) Oilseed Rape, Winter Wheat, Potatoes, Winter Wheat, Winter Barley, Oilseed Rape 3) Sugarbeet, Winter Wheat, Winter Barley, Stubble Turnips/Forage Rape, Potatoes, Winter Wheat, Sugarbeet In a wet autumn Spring Barley or Spring Wheat would follow Potatoes instead of a winter cereal. Rotation 2 is in its first full year on the farm and was introduced to try and remove some of our weed beet problem from the farm.
  14. Accurate Die-cast........I thought in order to recieve models from them I had to place an order......got that one wrong didn't I > >
  15. I used to drive a 6310 Mike, they pull alright but at 4 cylinders I think you'll find it a bit too unstable for your hedgecutter. Our contractor has a 6610 on his 6.5m Spearhead and certainly wouldn't want anything smaller on it, was a 6600 before that. Its also a lightweight tractor so think you may be asking a bit much of it with your trimmer on all the time \
  16. The only drain tap on these reels is on the turbine Ol so thats not really possible, the other problem being that if we drained the reel it would take far too long to build pressure up in the system again meaning that either the reel computer or the pump would need resetting \
  17. You can get most things cast within reason, wouldn't suggest doing a whole Britains model for example without making changes to it first as that would leave you open to legal action. The casting firm that I use will ask for any model company names to be removed from any items that you send them as well
  18. Sometimes I do, I don't always worry about it though as they often swing back round again on our machines, just make sure the back windows shut :D
  19. Has to be done with the tractor Ben for a few reasons, you have to straddle two rows of potatoes whilst pulling out the gun so need ground clearance, the irrigator is very heavy to move along the headland too, besides the metalwork weight you have 475m of 4" diameter pipe full of water to carry and you also need a hydraulic supply to lift the anchors on the reel Will see what I can do picture wise for you
  20. Can't say I blame you, you have the right to refuse to do any task which you could end up in trouble for, if your boss doesn't understand then tell him if you do it it will also void his crop assurance if it ever came out about it
  21. If you were washing it out you'd still have chemical residue in the tank too When I done my PA1 and PA4 it was £20,000 per offence so it would be £40,000 in your case with not having either certificate, thats out of your pocket too as you were the operator, not your bosses My old boss had me doing it until I found that out and refused, he didn't realise either
  22. Be careful then as that would still come under the requiremnt of needing the certificates if the powers that be happened to turn up........extremely heavy fines, not hundreds but tens of thousands of pounds
  23. Looks a nice set up there. Presume you have your PA1 and PA2 certificates if you are spraying?
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