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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. I use farm made steel brackets in mine, one at the front is a flat bar bent into an L shape and has either the baler or the drill box mounted on it. The other is a big bit of box section thats used for the potato harvester box and is mounted off the back corner post. Believe the suction type mounts can be got from screwfix from memory if thats the way you want to go
  2. If I'd have had the money I'd have jumped at that, some mint 6610's only made around £12k as well, lots of good value tractors, mint 7710 with 4500 hours on it made just over £19k which I thought was good value
  3. Having a week off this week, been to Cambridge Machinery Sales today, shame boss wasn't there too as there was a mint condition 2002 JD 6810 Autopower that went for £12000 :o
  4. A lot of it will depend on soil type and crop being drilled also, no point in rolling sandy soils with min till, heavy soils is always a good idea as slugs use clods to hide under, can decimate plant populations on all crops, particularly OSR.
  5. There's a few people started in Suffolk now and looking at ours and our neighbours we're about a week off but our other neighbour is only a day or two off starting on his lighter land. I'm on holiday this week so slim chanve of us starting, tramlines are still green on ours anyway
  6. Only heard of one other case of a Zetor Crystal getting casting damage and that was from a heavy handed youth using it on a Hesston baler, started it up at too higher revs with the flywheel brake on result was the PTO clutch smashing out of the side of the transmission casting and landing 100m away
  7. Well anyone who can do damage to a Zetor Crystal deserves some recognition, those things are nigh on indestructable
  8. Hmmmmmm now this is the FARM TOYS FORUM so why would everything talked about on here be about farming related : If you want 100% farming related talk there's other forums you can join. As said by Tris and Sean those of us that are Moderators spend a lot of time behind the scenes working on new ideas for FTF, sorting out peoples problems and modifying posts and topics, 75% of our work is never seen by anyone else and is all done on a voluntary basis besides our full time jobs. Yes not all of us are working in farming but that doesn't mean that those that aren't are any less busy with work. When people start asking for more competitions now its a case of why bother organising them if no one is going to bother to enter them, including those that made the most noise about having them in the first place. Certain people also ought to try doing something instead of just moaning that FTF is quiet, slow and boring, its just typical of the mentality we're seeing of late, they all want everything done for them instead of doing it for themselves
  9. Yeah, problem I have is more with Buster and what to do with him if I go out for the day anywhere as need a dog sitter \
  10. Forgot all about that this time Marky, was a good day out the last time we all went, bit far for me to think about driving at the minute though
  11. Yeah, done a maize season with them. They've been out here today doing some wholecrop and grass silage for us, no pictures though as they were too far away for me to go to the field
  12. Here's the only two pics I got at the Norfolk Show today, first is a rather large spayer and the second is a local contractors new 434S with toe-tip bucket, was talking to its driver today, he was dribbling over it :D
  13. Been to the Royal Norfolk Show today, extremely hot about there. Got a couple of pictures but too many people around so gave up, the Farm Master fans will like one of them
  14. I'd take it somewhere else for a second opinion mate sounds like they're extracting the urine to me, few garages round this way known for tricks like that. If they've done the brake pads I'd ask to see the old ones
  15. Think both of them wouldn't mind being under it at times during the day all this week, both out in the fields all day pulling wild oats and weed beet
  16. The irrigation pipes blowing apart leaving an extremely wet spot in the field
  17. Had one of the students helping me with the irrigation this morning due to a shoulder injury I have at the minute warned him he may get wet and sure enough he was pulling the flexi hose out to reconnect it when it drained its contents down the back of both his legs :D
  18. JD would be a strong contender as we'd be looking at the older 10 series models, probably a 6810 or 6910 which given the reliability of our exsisting 6810 suggests we should be ok
  19. A Renault would suit the bill perfectly but not many of the right size about in our budget within a sensible distance
  20. Not too sure at the minute, something decent within the budget and around 130-140hp, not too worried on make as long as it does the job
  21. Been told to keep my out for a decent second hand tractor at work, looking to buy an extra one rather than hiring one in twice a year, would pay for itself within 3 years
  22. I agree, Buster was bitten by one two weeks ago, still not completely gone either
  23. Actually plan to paint the ends yellow once the rest has had its final coat sprayed on, may take on your suggestion as well though given the amount of thick as excrement second home owners in this area at times Have to watch out for that Nigel as the strawberry farm next door has a dozen or more of them there
  24. Between doing the irrigation and a few other jobs I decided to make a big box to go on my front linkage for carrying a spare roll of net wrap in, there is provision for a spare roll on the baler but its at an awkward height to lift it up to, 3600m rolls of it not being the lightest things in the world anyway so I didn't bother with one last year and just ran back to the yard for it. The box will also be used for carrying spare bags of rape seed and slug pellets when drilling or spreading to make life easier. Another task for it which made my boss grin when I told him is to push the massive lumps of straw out that he leaves with the combine when he stops without backing up :D Box measures 60" wide x 15" deep x 12" long at the bottom, 15" at the top, the front being sloped to make it easier to get the net out. It is made out of an old self tip skip, angle iron from old sliding doors and the headstock off a Nodet fertiliser spreader, just needs another coat of paint to finish it It's probably totally overengineered, as are most things I make in the workshop, but better to be that way than the other ;D
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