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Everything posted by Gav836

  1. I wouldn't have thought so but can't be sure as we grow for the chipping/crisping market, but if you don't have enough soil you end up with a lot of green potatoes growing out of the sides of the ridges \
  2. To give you an idea of how much soil we have in beds Tris, we aim for a minimum of 12 inches of destoned soil but prefer 14 so we have 7 inches of fine soil below and above the seed, the beds I left would be nearly 2 feet high so looks quite a difference
  3. Great pictures there Tris, looks like you had a good time. Surprised as to how shallow the beds being left by the ridgers are, I'd have got shot if i left mine that small
  4. The dvla's website, enter everything in it then when gets to the last bit it says cannot access records
  5. I'm only using that tractor for hoeing Tris then will have mine back, did have a nice trip to the dealers with it last week though, right hand side cab window open though to listen to the exhaust note Hopefully it will be back this next week, getting some new injectors fitted while it is in there, bit of a treat for the old girl Could do a hell of a lot of damage, as Marcus said eye strain certainly does happen, especially when the beet are that small. Buster is with me 90% of the time, either in the tractor or tied up near where i am working, he gives me the big black bulging sorrowfull eyes look if I try to leave him at home Ol, will start hoeing at 7am and keep going all day while they are this size, once they are bigger if it gets too hot I like to stop as it bruises the plants and they can keel over and die \
  6. Been vaccinating the calves for Bluetongue before turning them back out and putting the bulls out with the cows
  7. Wouldn't think it was the brakes on there way out myself, more likely to be the brake seals going on it, had a Fiat F140 with similar symptoms in the past. See pm I sent you
  8. Agreed, definately wouldn't trust it as a tubeless as if the weld didn't crack the area around it would be from the heat of welding, if a tube were used it would just rub and burst
  9. Its not always easy to find the time Robbo but I often just do a bit evenings, doesn't take long. A few updated pictures now, everything is growing fast now, especially the pigeons (soon to develop lead poisoning ) as they stripped every brassica plant in the garden Radishes are nearly all gone now and I have sampled a few early spuds
  10. Forget your power harrows and trailers, the best way to open up a new engine is on a subsoiler or plough, lots of hard pulling in the maximum torque band
  11. If they are similar in make up to the Good Year's I would consider fitting a set of super singles to any trailer that is going to be used primarily for road work as the Good Years inparticular heat up, go soft and either puncture and burst at speed. We always kept two spare wheels for our trailer that had them fitted, changed them to super single type in the end as we got so tyred ( ) of changing wheels on it
  12. Unlucky Marky. What make tyres have you got on that trailer? Are they Good Year Implements?
  13. Been there, done that except I had a Renault 836, 1500kg of front weight and 6 furrows on the back, was just extremely tight going. Would like to know his fuel usage for that ploughing, would have used much more than it should have done if it was ballasted correctly
  14. The amusing bit is that the guy who drives it complains that he always gets hand me downs and not new tractors, can certainly understand why after going through that today, I'd seen less crap in my old Lexions air filter after a week than I did when I cleaned out that one today :o
  15. Give me my old 12 row rear mount anyday mate, much easier than this one Its not my tractor so when i'm told by its regular driver that he keeps it maintained I took his word for it as it wouldn't look good if I kept going behind him, it was only when I planted some spuds with it Saturday that I noticed the axle rocking back and forth. I've also gone through all the filters on it today, air filter had about 1.5kg of dust in it, the cab filters were choked solid and going mouldy and the radiator was full of crap..........so much for well maintained : Now due an oil and fuel filter change, do know when they were done as I changed them last September
  16. Funny you should say that, I was slowly getting up to 2.4mph at one point, hadn't noticed he'd rolled over onto the throttle :D It's too late to worry about that, would help if they were drilled straight :
  17. Started tractor hoeing the sugarbeet today to try and remove the weed beet seedlings that were coming up. Got the 6810 on it at the minute but its got a hospital appointment as soon as I've done the worst fields as the front axle pivot pins and bushes are knackered (engineer said they were worst he'd seen and use at our own risk :) Travelling at a speed of 1.4-1.8 mph, hoe is a Stanhay Row Cleaner R60 12 row Drivers eye view It's a hard life being a Spaniel :D
  18. Done my shopping, cut the grass, white-washed the greenhouse glass, pullled up some more radishes and now relaxing
  19. Position sensor packing up on the 6920s's lift arms, couldn't get the damn bedformer in the ground deep enough so had to wait for the dealer to come out. Should have only worked this morning, because of that was still there at 5pm
  20. The JD dealers already know the situation Sean, service improved when we changed branches but doesn't alter the reliability issues or the tractor prices, even estates that have had JD for longer than anyone can remember have now switched brands
  21. Its ok, the JD needs another dr's visit at the minute, got an electronic fault on the hitch at the minute, mind you they know the way there now, been out enough to the destoner lately :
  22. Well Manns have Axion 810 Cmatic's in stock at good prices at the minute, rep was supposed to come back today and fill the boss in on prices and details so if we ordered one now we'd get it in a matter of weeks it would seem, can't see it happening though
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