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Valley Axe Man

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Everything posted by Valley Axe Man

  1. Cheers John, appreciate it Cheers Martin, that hole punched 245 one does spoil it abit but i not seen another
  2. A few more into the collection thanks to John (JMD) again for some Dutch this time in the form of a pair of silver stripe 10 speed (245 and 262) and a M&W Turbo conversion brochure for the 272 Synchro along with a '58 price list for the Universal 3 & 4
  3. G'day Mate i'll just tie my Kagaroo to this tree and i'll crack a can of fosters with ya and heres a trio of Australian spec, spec sheets for the 245/262 /285 Leylands care of John (JMD) he seems to keep finding me the odd bit for the collection, cheers John appreciated
  4. Thanks Lee the Marshall my pride and joy, between the Ap cab on the 76 and my explorer, Sekura used a lot of common parts, door handles, latches, window locks, Daves 76 is fitted with the old door handles off my 802 as his originals dont lock..
  5. Cheers John, the 76 sat on 16.9/34's on the back and could be a 420/24 radial on the front... not 100% sure on the 420 but know they are radials, but i know what you mean it does lean back abit
  6. Seeing as our local tractor run was cancelled, John (JMD) and myself along with Dave "dodgy" Holden, We had a small run of our own up and around the Valley up towards the border with North Yorkshire, taking in a couple of refreshment stops and a good bacon and sausage sandwich, we did neck end of 60 miles and despite a bad forecast only see one shower of rain Anyhow a couple of photo's, appologies for no on route photo's as i was trying to concentrate on the route i'd rekkied the weekend before
  7. Can only echo the comments above, stunning set of scratch builds there John.... back in the day Peugeot had a slogon " the lion goes from strength to strength".... but in this case "the magic scalpel goes from strength to strength"
  8. Who's running this one then? Theres a lot of us still waiting on re-imbursment for subs paid on the defunct and dried up Model Farmer Mag
  9. Great work as always John and i'll put my money on a Northrop there...
  10. Good to see your friends 10/60 putting a shift in Smithy, looks like you made good use of the weather to crack on and get done
  11. best make it a nice even dozen then if your doing the spade work for a few more..... Joking apart and not wishing time away but mid August already John... at this rate it wont be long until the clocks alter and the back end of the year is amongst us.... 2020... the year that's better best forgotten.
  12. Be a nice selection of Muirhills there John, although i'm sure you need to squeeze another one in to make it a nice round half dozen... five is a bit of a cob number really
  13. Cheers Smithy , aye we don't live in a too bad part of the world for scenery, aye some of the roads are a bit thin in places but once you get away from the towns up here they get abit like that. to be fair she need to get out more than she does, time seems to slip away....
  14. Sorry to dissapoint there Mike... but if i spot a Same anywhere i'll try and grab a photo for you, i know your a keen man on them
  15. Seeing as i polished her up i thought i'd give her a stretch of her legs for a couple of hours this morning for a tour about the Valley even spotted an Elephant and a Buffallo whilst on my travels (Ponnse Timber Harvester and Forwader) not a real Elephant and buffallo hahah
  16. Went up the workshop for an hour or two after work last night.... and give her a bit of a wipe over to keep the dust at bay, she not seen as much polish this year with all the shows getting pulled but nice to keep her looking her best the local young farmers are holding their night time road run again at Christmas so will have to get her booked in
  17. Like the sound of that project Gavin, well done to you for taking up the challenge
  18. Cheers James, thanks for the kind words, yep though i think there is still a few more winch tractors needed in the collection, your right about how things have moved on though, even in the progress of yourself over the years on here, there's alot gone one in the progress of a lot of folk's work including one or two dark horses too.... Phil was a happy as a pig in the proverbial if he was on with a project, didn't have to be flash or fancy but it always seemed to turn out how it did, maybe a natural talent or just good at what he did.... he'll never be forgotten though
  19. Another addition to the collection care of John JMD, a french version of the Nuffield Universal 3 brochure, photo's along side an english version already in the collection... good job as i can't speak or read french Thanks John
  20. Amongst the celebrity stars on the run (well if you follow tractorbarn's Serious Grass) were non other than Tom Woodhouse who features his 2100 in the first dvd, was also Oliver Greenwood on his little grey fergy who works on Andrew Atkinson's farm near Lancaster, Andrew himself turned up although only as a spectator and not on the run itself
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